Noise (cantrip)

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Noise (cantrip).jpg

Noise creates a loud, steady, ringing sound, targeted at a single creature, who alone can hear the noise unless a saving throw against magic is made. This roll is modified by -4.

Range 30 ft.
Duration 1 round; see text
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

Failure to make save will cause the creature to become deaf for 1 round while the cantrip produces the noise and 1-4 rounds after. During this time the affected creature will be -4 armour class and won't be able to hear the instructions or entreaties of others.

An additional benefit of the cantrip is that during the initial round of noise, the affected creature is unable to keep silent — forcing the recipient to emit a loud shout of pain and confusion, which would likely effect a distraction.

See also,
Audible Glamer (spell)
Illusionary Cantrips