Forte (spell)

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Forte is a spell that empowers the caster to produce a resounding auditory resonance that triggers a formidable shockwave emanating outwards. The audial chord that's produced gives the shockwave its potency, through the buildup of vibrational energy. To some degree, the caster feels the vibration and energy, like conducting a symphony of magic and sound, but they are unaffected by the dweomer's effect.

Range self
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 120° arc, 50 ft. path
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level bard (2nd)

Creatures weighing less than 500 pounds caught within the spell's area of effect, regardless of allegiance, are forcibly thrown back two combat hexes (10 feet) from the caster. Larger beings are pushed back one hex. All those affected are stunned for one round, as they recover from the blast.

Those in the midst of charging or running at the caster are caught and tossed, so that each suffers 1d6 damage from the wrenching effect of the spell's force. Additionally, those who are thrown into walls or other solid objects suffer 1d4 damage, while potentially others may be forced into dire circumstances, such as over the edge of a drop.

The spell's force may cause unintended consequences, shaking unsecured objects, rattling doors and windows, and causing items on shelves to fall. Though powerful in its effect on creatures, Forte does not damage structures, nor does it affect objects too large to be moved by the resonance. While the spell produces a concussive sound wave, it's not an explosion and its energy dissipates as it expands, preventing it from being used to breach walls, fortifications or barriers directly. The resonance affects only creatures and loose objects within its range, leaving the battlefield momentarily shaken but structurally intact.

See Levitation (spell)