Find Sacred Place (sage ability)

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Find Sacred Place (sage ability).jpg

Find Sacred Place is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Religious Art, Music & Design, which allows the character to locate sacred places in the wild. These are sites that have been consecrated by religious entities, including shrines, glades, crypts, sanctuaries and other hallowed locations, varying by region and faith.

The ability is limited to sites within the character's own religion — sacred places devoted to other deities or pantheons remain undetectable. The detection does not function as a spell but rather as an intuitive or scholarly awareness, guiding the character toward areas where religious rites, blessings or dedications have shaped the land or structure. This can manifest as a subtle pull in a certain direction, a recognition of faint architectural patterns or a sense of spiritual resonance unique to their faith.

Finding and Location

The ability will also reveal the absence of a sacred place within a 6-mile hex after a full day of searching. This understanding comes through the interpretation of subtle signs in the landscape — hard-to-read markings left upon trees and stones, the natural alignment of vegetation and the general lay of the land. These clues suggest whether a place has ever been consecrated or if no religious influence has ever touched the area. If a shrine or other sacred site does exist within the hex, the character will sense its presence by the end of the first day. However, actually locating the site takes further effort, requiring an additional 5–20 hours of searching, including time spent on the first day. No dice roll is necessary; the character will find the sacred place if they persist, though they cannot predict in advance how long the search will take.

It is unknown to the player how many sacred places exist in the world, but where the religion is most commonly practiced, it is estimated that 1 in 20 six-mile hexes will contain such a site. These locations may be hidden deep within forests, buried beneath ruins or integrated into natural formations, requiring patience and knowledge to uncover.

Nature and Location

The exact nature of the sacred place will vary; shrines are by far the most common, thus the name of the sage ability. To determine which place is found, roll a d20: shrine (1–15), glade (16–17), sanctuary (18–19), holy crypt (20).


These are the most frequently encountered form of sacred place. These are typically small, consecrated sites, often marked by simple altars, stone circles, carved idols or natural formations that have been imbued with divine power through prayer, sacrifice or ritual consecration. They may be maintained by local clergy or exist as forgotten remnants of past worship, their power enduring long after their creators have vanished. Some shrines are still actively tended, visited by pilgrims or hidden away in deep forests, remote hills or abandoned ruins. The nature of the shrine depends on the deity or faith to which it is dedicated. A shrine devoted to a god of healing may feature clear, blessed waters, while one sacred to a war deity may be littered with old weapons or the remnants of past battles. Regardless of form, a shrine remains a place of power where divine energy lingers, waiting to be invoked by the faithful.

When near a shrine, clerics are able to cast spells at +2 experience levels, so that a 7th-level cleric would cast as a 9th-level when standing within 60 feet of the shrine. This effect applies only while the cleric remains within range and ceases immediately upon leaving the shrine's influence. The shrine does not aware new spells to the caster.


These are places of profound tranquility and divine resonance, small, enclosed sanctuaries where the natural world seems to exist in perfect harmony. Light filters gently through a natural canopy, where the air carries the faint scent of blooming flora, so that every detail — from the curve of the grass to the arrangement of fallen leaves — feels deliberate, as though shaped by a divine hand. A sacred glade is often shielded from the outside world, embraced by a ring of ancient trees, flowering hedges or soft earthen slopes that form a quiet retreat untouched by time. Glades often feature a supply of fresh water, such as a clear, slow-moving stream, a bubbling spring or a still pool whose surface remains undisturbed even in strong winds. Nearby, a natural fruit patch flourishes, offering sustenance to those who dwell within. Whether it be wild berries, low-hanging apples or clusters of soft figs, the fruit of the glade grows in abundance, untouched by decay or predation. Even in regions where such plants are rare, the glade sustains life, as if nurtured by divine intent.

Those of the cleric's religion who rest in a glade will heal more quickly, their rest aided by a higher power. The divine presence within the glade fosters renewal, allowing the weary to recover at an accelerated rate. Wounds close more cleanly, exhaustion fades swiftly and the troubled mind finds peace. Those who spend time within a sacred glade often experience a deep, dreamless sleep, awakening refreshed and feeling as though unseen hands have watched over them through the night.


These secure, naturally fortified places, offering both protection and sustenance to those who seek refuge within them. Unlike shrines or glades, which are defined by their divine presence or beauty, a sanctuary is a place of safety, where the land itself provides shelter against the dangers of the outside world. These sites are often hidden in valleys, nestled within deep forest groves or found in remote, mountainous terrain — shielded from prying eyes and hostile forces. A sanctuary always includes a naturally growing area that conforms to arboriculture, ensuring that food is abundant within its bounds. Whether it be nut-bearing trees, edible roots, wild grains or fruit-bearing shrubs, the sanctuary's ecosystem is self-sustaining, providing nourishment without requiring cultivation. Streams of fresh water often run through these places, their sources hidden beneath rock or deep within the earth, preventing drought or contamination.

Holy Crypt.jpg

One of the most defining traits of a sanctuary is that threatening animals or beasts will not enter. This protection is not enforced by physical barriers, but rather by an unseen force that wards away aggression. Predators that hunt in the surrounding wilderness will instinctively avoid the area, feeling unease when approaching its borders. Creatures that would normally be drawn to easy prey instead hesitate, as if recognizing the sanctuary as sacred ground, untouched by violence.

Holy Crypts

These are the final resting places of divinely inspired, pious believers, containing their remains, sacred relics and often inscriptions that commemorate their faith and deeds. These crypts serve as places of reflection and spiritual revelation, where the presence of the departed lingers — not as restless spirits, but as an enduring connection to the divine. Discovering a holy crypt and entering it for the first time grants a believing cleric a 2% increase in experience points, representing the profound wisdom and insight gained from beholding the site. For example, a cleric with 2000 X.P. before entering the crypt would receive 40 X.P. from the experience. This benefit is drawn not from combat or study, but from the deep spiritual understanding imparted by the crypt's sacred atmosphere, the weight of history and the silent testimony of the faithful who rest there.

If the cleric prays within the crypt for three hours, the divine influence lingers even beyond their departure. For the next three days, any experience gained is increased by an additional 2%, as the cleric carries the wisdom of the holy site forward. This effect reflects an elevated state of mind, as though the prayers offered at the crypt have sharpened their perception, deepened their connection to their faith and guided their actions in the world beyond.

However, this advantage may only be gained from a holy crypt once per month. The experience is not something that can be endlessly exploited; the divine truths imparted require time to be absorbed and understood before they may be sought again. In this way, the crypts remain places of true spiritual growth, rather than mere stepping stones to power.

See also,
The Church (sage field)