Dirty (cantrip)

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Dirty soils surfaces, including cloth, within the area of effect. This imparts a mixture of soil, animal grease and dust, so that all becomes grimed and streaked. To physically restore the area to its original condition by ordinary means would require two hours or more, particularly if expensive fabric and other delicates are affected.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 4 cub. yards
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip

Visually, this bestows a -1 modifier to the character's overall charisma when an ability check is made. This modifier remains until the character takes a proper bath in hot water, or in cold water with soap.

If a soiled character attempts to enter places where appearance matters, such as a political, judicial or religious edifice, the character will be met by guards bent on compelling the dirty person to leave.

See Reversed Cantrips