Creak (cantrip)

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Creak is a cantrip that causes a creaking noise like the harsh scrape of metal meeting metal or wood against wood. It echoes the familiar sounds of a rusty door opening, a sign swaying and squeaking in the breeze, or wooden slats yielding to a subtle change in weight.

Range 10 ft.
Duration 1 round; see text
Area of Effect 20 ft. circle, up to 1 creature
or object
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

The noise, with its piercing resonance, has the potential to distract anyone within 30 ft.; those who fail their saving throw are given a penalty of -1 to their initiative if immediately thereafter engaged in combat.

Alteration to Wood

If the cantrip is cast upon an object made of wood, it changes the moisture content within, causing the material to expand or contract in a way that causes it to creak thereafter, any time the affected object is moved against another. Thus a door hinge can be made to permanently creak, or the lid of a chest, a piece of furniture when sat upon or the joint in a floor. Such can be used as a warning that someone is attempting to approach, or is investigating the objects of a room. The area of the alteration is very small, just one foot in diameter.

One such alteration may be made per level of the caster. When that limit is reached, each new invocation of the cantrip removes the earliest former alteration.

See Haunting Sound Cantrips