Grey Ooze

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Grey Ooze.jpg
Ooze (grey)
Species ooze
No. Appearing 1-3
Behaviour solitary
Range subterranean
Size 6 ft. diameter, 6 in. deep
Weight 870 lbs.
Intelligence 1
Armour Class 8
Hit Dice 3+3
Action Points 3
Max. Stride {{{stride}}}
THAC0 18
Hp/Die d4+d6
Attack Forms touch
Damage 2-16
Special Attacks acid, immunities

Grey ooze is a sluggish creature that seeps through subterranean hallways. It is able to squeeze under dungeon doors, through as little as a half-inch gap, or move up and down stairs; however, they are too heavy to climb walls or move across ceilings. Grey ooze possesses a slight greenish tinge; due to its reflective qualities it has no camouflage ability.

When attacking, it is able to form a appendage from its body that it will strike outwards like a snake; upon touching a creature, the acidic body fluid of the creature will cause damage as indicated. Additionally, upon a hit, the defender's armour (or clothes if the character is unarmoured) must make a save vs. acid. Failure indicates that the armour is made less effect by 1 armour class.

Blows that miss the defender, but hit the defender's armour, will also require that a saving throw is made against acid. Weapons that are used against the creature, except those made of stone, must also save vs. acid every time they are used.

The grey ooze is immune to heat or cold attacks.

See Bestiary