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Revision as of 17:49, 30 September 2020 by Tao alexis (talk | contribs)
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Species beast
No. Appearing 2–8
Behaviour herd
Range coral reef, intertidal
Size 4 ft. 6 in. at shoulder
Weight 980 lbs.
Intelligence 6
Armour Class 4
Hit Dice 3
Action Points 5
Max. Stride 12
THAC0 18
Hp/Die d4+d6
Attack Forms head butt
Damage 3–12
Special Attacks charging

The capricorn, or sea goat, is a beast possessing the upper body of a goat, with front legs ending in paddled flippers, and the tail of a sea serpent. It prowls waters in the eastern Mediterranean and in the seas surrounding Arabia, presupposing that the creature dwelt in this part of the world prior to the great flood. They are rarely found in the west Mediterranean and never in the Atlantic Ocean. Some forms of the beast possesses horns that more closely resemble an ibex than a goat.

See Bestiary