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Farmland is a facility of universal presence in any 6-mile hex that's inhabited, specifically of types-7 through -1. Most often, these farms are rectangular in form, with open or closed yards, surrounding or within walking distance of the house proper. This is true whether or not the farmer and family owns the land, or if, as in the case of estate farming, the designated farmland of a serf or peasant is laid out in lots side by side with those of other families. Farmland in such cases is overseen by a Hayward, who carries the authority of the local squire or noble, but normally farms are managed by individual families. Typically, the farmland owned by a single family is split into multiple fields, typically with each covering between 7 to 10 acres.

Settlements add +1 bread when they occur, so with regards to farming, advance the hex-type upwards with regards to statistics.


Farmland According to Food Production
Detail Bread:2 Bread:3 Bread:4 Bread:5 Bread:6
type-7 type-6 type-5 type-4 type-3 type-2 type-1
acreage under plough 250-400 300-450 500-1500 600-1600 700-1700 1100-2600 1600-4200 3000-8000
(roll acreage) (d4+4 x50) (d4+5 x50) (2d6+3 x100) (2d6+4 x100) (2d6+5 x100) (3d6+8 x100) (4d10+20 x100) (10d6+40 x100)
general yield per acre 3:1 3½:1 4:1
total food (lbs.) 40,625 46,875 125,000 137,500 150,000 231,250 525,000 937,500
farmer population 50-80 50-100 70-120 80-140 90-150 140-340 240-600 460-1000
(roll population) (d4+4 x10) (d6+4 x10) (d6+6 x10) (2d4+6 x10) (2d4+7 x10) (4d6+10 x10) (4d10+20 x10) (6d10+40 x10)

Settlements, when they occur, add +1 bread to the hex, regardless of type. Therefore, when determining the details of a hex, prioritise the number of bread over the hex type.

Land is traditionally divided into virgates of 30 acres each; small or poor families may survive with a bovate of 15 acres. When distributing land in a hex, account for virgates or bovates having slightly more or less than their defined acreage.

Not all the farmer's food for consumption or sale is derived from crops; 35% originates through hunting, fishing, foraging and stock raising. Some farmers may focus on livestock and grow no crops at all. Average calorie consumption is 2900 calories per day; as a rough estimate, this equals approximately 1.9 lbs. of food per day on average, though obviously some eat a lot more and some cannot find this much.


Residents are unaffiliated peasants, or cotters, subject to tax farmers but not to a local noble or squire. Families dwell in 15 ft. square hovels, supported by unsheltered gong boxes located 60 ft. distant from house. Type-7 hexes with hammer upgrades this accommodation to a 20 ft. square daub & wattle house.
Type-7 hexes with settlements assign cotters as serfs, working as sharecroppers under a landlord. Settlements also increase the amount of food produced and number of residents (see type-5, below).

Type-6: similar in food production and farm sizes to type-7 hexes, with individuals eating better quality food.

Residents are freeholders with land rights, paying taxes to the realm. Dwelling sizes vary around 500 sq.ft., made of daub & wattle, with ancillary cowshed, coop, pig pen and roofed outhouse surrounding a semi-enclosed yard.

Type-5: symbolised by 3-bread, producing 7 pts. of food. Additional food production due to increased number of farms and a higher rate of yield (3½:1), with a lesser dependence and access on or to foraging.

Residents are 3 to 7 freeholders vs. serfs, the latter subject to landlords and the occasional squire. Serfs dwell in hovels. Freeholder dwellings vary around 550-600 sq.ft., made of wood, mud & daub construction with tiled roofs; enclosed yards include 4-6 buildings, barn and sheds. Increased use of chamber pots among freeholders. Squire dwellings vary between 750-900 sq.ft.
Type-5 hexes with settlements have the freeholder or squire's dwellings within or adjacent to the village/town.

Type-4 or Type-3: similar in food production and farm sizes to type-5 hexes.

Residents are 1 to 9 freeholders vs. serfs, the latter subject largely to squires and less so to landlords. Serfs dwell in hovels. Freeholder dwellings located in village. Freeholder dwellings range between 550 and 700 sq.ft., constructed of wood and broken stone, with 5-7 buildings. Squire dwellings are 2-story half-timbered houses, between 900-1200 sq.ft. See squire for further advancements.

Type-2: symbolised by 4-bread, producing 15 pts. of food. Additional food production due to increased number of farms and a higher rate of yield (4:1), with negligent dependence on outside sources for food. Other conditions, here and up, similar to type-4 hexes.