Cough (cantrip)

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Cough is a cantrip that induces spasmodic coughing in humanoid targets. If a saving throw against magic fails, , the affected individual is incapacitated for one round, coughing persistently and lowering their armour class by 4 points.

Range 10 ft.; see text
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 1 creature
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

In situations where a creature may have ingested a poison or encountered an obstruction in their windpipe, the cantrip can prove lifesaving. There is a certain chance of it clearing an an ordinary blockage, such as food that's lodged in the throat; there is a 3 in 4 chance that it can sustain a victim within a few minutes of having just drowned.

With patients that have ingested a poison, there's a 50% chance of inducing an effective course of vomiting if cast within 4 rounds, ensuring the expulsion of the toxin. Success in any of these scenarios promises the recipient's restoration without any lasting effects from the ordeal.

The dweomer could be used as an interrogation tool, as the effect is distinctly unpleasant and sufficient to unsettle or unnerve captives.

See Person-affecting Cantrips