Moan (cantrip)

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Moan (cantrip).jpg

Moan is a cantrip that echoes the sorrowful cries of beings or individuals, emitting a protracted, sorrowful wail. This haunting sound pierces the listener's comfort, so that it disturbs sleep and assurance, especially within enclosed spaces or during nighttime. Those who fail a saving throw against magic are compelled to arise and move away from their present location, to a distance of at least 30 ft. from the sound's emanation.

Range 30 ft.
Duration 4 rounds; see text
Area of Effect 10 ft. circle
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw negates
Level cantrip

Further, the cantrip saps the resolve of those who fail save, reducing their morale by 2 points. Thereafter,

The moan is painful to hear and unsettling, particularly indoors and at night, when the listener's imagination turns to ideas of spirits and ghosts.

If the sound is heard at night, solitary persons must make a saving throw against magic or feel compelled to move away, to a place at least 120 ft. distant from where the sound was heard.

When heard by groups underground, the cantrip lowers their morale by 1 point for a period of half an hour, increasing their likelihood to break if pressed in combat.

See Haunting Sound Cantrips