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Revision as of 18:54, 29 June 2024 by Tao alexis (talk | contribs)
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Species beast
No. Appearing 1-3
Behaviour solitary
Range subterranean
Size 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight 135 lb.
Intelligence 13
Armour Class 3
Hit Dice 6
Action Points 4
Max. Stride 5
THAC0 17
Hp/Die d6
Attack Forms 1: claw
Damage claw (2–8)
Special Attacks petrification, poison, see into astral and
ethereal planes

The body of a medusa appears quite shapely and human, with somewhat archaic clothing of a classical design. The face is a horrid visage, with a hair made of snakes that writhes continuously. The glaring red-rimmed eyes of a medusa are visible clearly to 30 ft. The creature does not have a snake's body.

See Bestiary