Tangle (cantrip)

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Tangle is a cantrip that causes disconnected objects within its area of effect to become knotted, twisted or matted together, making them difficult to separate. The objects affected must be at least partially loose and unattached — ropes, cords, chains, vines, fabrics, netting or even small scattered items such as silverware, fishing lines or tent poles may become entangled.

Range 10 ft.
Duration permanent; see text
Area of Effect 1 cub. yard
Casting Time 2 action points
Saving Throw none
Level cantrip


Once affected, untangling the mess requires 4-10 rounds, as the objects must be sorted through and pulled apart before they can be used again. Until that time is spent, they remain completely useless — a coiled rope becomes hopelessly knotted, blankets or bedrolls form together into a disordered clump, or loose reins twist and weave around one another. The effect may cause mild inconvenience or significant delays, making the Tangle cantrip useful for disruption, sabotage or mischief.

Potentially affected objects include rope, thread, laces, strings, straps, bridles, harnesses and similar loosely connected materials. However, objects that are fully fixed in place, such as bowstrings attached to a bow, remain unaffected. A rope tied around a pole, on the other hand, could twist and loop into a tangled mess, even with one end still securely fastened to the post, making it difficult to unwind or use effectively.

The cantrip does not affect rigid objects or solid materials that cannot be bent or wrapped, such as weapons, armour, furniture, a horse's legs and so on. If physical force that might cause breakage or destruction is required, the material remains unaffected. However, in situations where time is a factor, the disruption the cantrip can have significant consequences, whether delaying a pursuer, disrupting a hurried escape or simply frustrating an unwitting victim.


The reverse of the cantrip, untie, causes knots, bindings and fastenings to come loose, provided they are not magically secured. A bowstring may slip free from its bow, a rope tied around a pole may fall slack, straps binding a chest shut may loosen and a string fastening an object closed may unravel effortlessly.

Additionally, untie will completely reverse the effects of the Tangle cantrip, restoring knotted, twisted or matted objects to their original, usable state in an instant. This makes it useful for quickly undoing hasty restraints, sabotaging secured equipment or simply correcting an unwanted mess caused by Tangle or mundane entanglement.

The dweomer cannot be used to unravel rope, thread or other similar materials. It functions only to loosen or undo knots and bindings, without affecting the integrity of the object itself. A coiled rope will unfasten, but not fray; a sewn thread will remain intact, rather than pulling apart.

See also,
Magical Cantrip Tables
Reversed Cantrips