Rope Trick (spell)
Rope Trick is a spell that enchants a touched length of rope, causing one end to rise into the air and remain suspended as if affixed to an invisible anchor. The rope will hang perpendicularly to its full enchanted length, supporting weight up to three times that of the caster, provided the caster remains within 30 feet of the rope; otherwise the spell is broken, causing those affected to tumble to the ground.
Range | touch |
Duration | 10 rounds per level |
Area of Effect | 5 ft. rope per level; see text |
Casting Time | 1 round |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | bard (2nd); illusionist (3rd); mage (2nd) |
The top of the rope gives access to a hidden extra-dimensional space, in which the caster and others can hide. This space can accommodate up to 1,000 pounds, allowing for temporary concealment or rest. While inside, occupants are undetectable by normal means, as the pocket dimension exists separately from the Prime Material Plane. The rope itself can be pulled inside, ensuring that no trace of the spell remains visible to those on the outside.
Before the spell's duration ends, all occupants of the space must exit and climb down — else they will fall from the height at which they entered. Because the spell does not enhance a creature's ability to climb, those attempting to use it must still rely on their own skill to ascend the rope.
While highly effective for evasion, concealment and reaching inaccessible locations, the spell has limitations. Noise made inside the space may still be heard outside, meaning that absolute silence must be maintained to avoid detection. Although scrying and divination spells cannot perceive those within the space, certain abilities, such as true seeing, may reveal the presence of the dimensional anomaly. The spell can be ended prematurely if subjected to dispel magic, in which case anyone inside will fall immediately.
Magical Nature of the Spell
The nature of the extra-dimensional space raises questions about the underlying structure of magic. Some scholars speculate that the spell briefly links to an unknown plane, an isolated fragment of a larger extra-dimensional reality. While this has little practical impact on its use, it has led to efforts to expand or modify the spell to create longer-lasting effects or larger spaces. Though no stable version of an improved Rope Trick has been widely adopted, experimental variants exist among highly skilled magic-users.