Protection from Lightning (spell)

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Protection from Lightning is a spell that nullifies all electrical damage within a 10-foot radius around the caster. Those inside the protected zone are completely unharmed by direct lightning strikes, both magical or natural, including such things as a dragon's breath. The effect extends to ambient electricity, rendering individuals immune to shocks from conductive surfaces, charged weapons and naturally occurring electrical creatures like electric eels or storm elementals.

Protection from Lightning
Range touch
Duration 1 round per level
Area of Effect 10 ft. diameter circle
Casting Time 2 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level druid (4th)

While under the spell's influence, any saving throws required to resist lightning-based attacks are automatically considered successful. This ensures that even if an attack normally carries additional effects beyond damage, such as stunning or paralysis, those protected by the spell remain unaffected. The spell's field is not a physical barrier and does not deflect or dissipate lightning — electrical energy may still arc or flash within the area, but it will pass through without causing harm.

The spell does not provide resistance beyond its area of effect. Any creature stepping outside the 10-foot radius immediately loses protection. However, as long as they remain within range of the caster, they are fully safeguarded. The protection extends only to creatures and does not ground or nullify electricity in objects, meaning metal armour or weapons still conduct electricity outside the spell's bounds.

Once cast, the effect remains stable, requiring no further concentration. The spell offers no protection from magical effects that resemble lightning but do not deal electrical damage, such as illusions or radiant storm magic. The duration persists until the spell's time expires or the caster is incapacitated.