Massmorph (spell)

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Massmorph is a spell that alters the appearance of willing humanoids, disguising them as trees, shrubs or large rocks. The transformation occurs instantly upon casting, affecting all creatures within the spell's range. The morphed creatures will be grouped together based on their positions at the moment the spell is discharged, maintaining a natural and convincing illusion that blends seamlessly with the surrounding environment.

Range 10 ft. per level
Duration special; see text
Area of Effect 10 creatures per level
Casting Time 2 rounds
Saving Throw none; see below
Level illusionist (4th)

The size and shape of each illusion correspond directly to the size of the affected creature. Giants will take on the appearance of towering, ancient trees, while medium-sized creatures resemble younger trees approximately 10–15 feet in height. Smaller creatures are transformed into saplings, dense bushes or proportionally sized rocks. These illusions provide no obvious signs of deception — an observer will see only the altered forms, without any indication that living beings are hidden within them.

Each morphed creature retains full self-awareness and can identify itself as normal, but when looking at others affected by the spell, they will perceive only the illusionary disguise. Limited movement is permitted under the effect of the spell, so long as the creature's feet remain within 18 inches of their original position at the time of the casting. However, they must remain still enough to maintain the illusion. The duration for which a creature can hold this position is determined by its constitution, with a maximum limit of 15 minutes per point of constitution.

The illusion is highly resistant to detection. Passing through the disguised figures or even making physical contact with them will not dispel the effect. Even a direct strike against a morphed tree or rock will not immediately reveal the hidden creature within. However, the creature still takes normal damage from any attacks, and any significant disruption — such as being stunned and thrown off balance — will immediately break the spell for that individual. If the illusion is dispelled for one creature, the rest of the affected group remains transformed unless similarly disrupted.

By providing a near-perfect camouflage in wooded or rocky terrain, Massmorph offers a strategic advantage in ambush situations, evasion tactics or defensive positioning, allowing groups to conceal themselves effectively without requiring additional cover.