Horse-mounted Combat II (sage ability)

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Horse-mounted Combat II is an authority-status sage ability that improves a combatant's ability to participate in melee from horseback, increasing the number of weapons the combatant is able to use while mounted. Additional bonuses are also offered to the mounted combatant.

Mounted Weapons

Melee weapons that the character can use from horseback include club, horseman's mace, pick or flail, lance, scimitar, bow and short sword. The mounted character can fire a sling while mounted, so long as it's loaded when the horse is moving at a gait no faster than trotting. Both a dagger and a spear can be hurled, but these last two weapons cannot be used in melee from horseback.

When attacking defenders on foot, the mounted combatant receives a +1 to hit. Because the lance can be used, hits with the lance against all defenders cause twice damage on a hit.

See Also,
Horseback Riding (sage study)
Horse-mounted Combat I (sage ability)