Dimension Door (spell)

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Dimension Door is a spell that enables the caster to instantly transport themselves from one location to another, within a distance of up to 30 feet per caster level. The caster arrives at the exact point intended, provided the location is within their visual line-of-sight at the time the spell is discharged. This spell requires no error check, and the caster always arrives precisely where desired.

Dimension Door
Range self
Duration instantaneous
Area of Effect self; see above
Casting Time 2 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level mage (4th)


If the designated destination offers no solid support, such as an open void, a body of water, or an unstable surface unable to bear weight, the caster is subject to the consequences of falling or losing balance. The spell does not provide the ability to halt mid-air, negate momentum, or adjust for hazardous terrain upon arrival.

The caster may transport only what they can carry upon their person, excluding unwilling creatures or objects too large to be reasonably held. The transfer is instantaneous upon discharging the spell, with no intervening movement, making the spell immune to opportunity attacks or reactions triggered by motion. The caster need not determine the final destination until the moment of discharging, allowing for rapid adjustments to battlefield conditions or unexpected obstacles.

The spell does not permit travel to unseen locations, areas beyond the caster's line of sight, or through barriers that obstruct vision, such as walls, fog, or magical darkness. If an attempt is made to arrive within a solid object, the spell fails and no transport occurs. The caster experiences no disorientation upon arrival and may act normally if the spell is used during combat.


The caster retains momentum upon arrival, meaning that if they are falling or moving when casting the spell, they continue with the same velocity at the destination. Spells or abilities that rely on physical travel, such as passwall or ethereal jaunt, do not interact with dimension door, as the spell does not involve movement through space but rather direct relocation.