Burial (sage ability)
Burial is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Ritual which allows the reverent, holy protection of a corpse, preventing forces of evil from exploiting the body. The ritual effectively blesses and shields the body, discouraging even grave robbers, who will feel compelled to abandon their work. Performing the ritual requires three rounds to complete its essential elements.
Anyone attempting to disturb a corpse buried in this manner must make a saving throw. Failure results in the individual dropping their tools and fleeing for ten rounds, after which they will refuse to return, regardless of outside influence. A buried body may only be retrieved by the cleric who performed the ritual or another cleric who has been given solemn permission by the family. Such retrievals must be closely supervised to maintain the ritual's sanctity.
The buried corpse does not decay for one week following the ritual. This period extends by one day for each level of the cleric above first, allowing bodies to remain preserved for later relocation while appearing in good condition to those present.
In religious practices requiring immolation, the burial ritual is performed before the body is burned. This ensures the soul is at peace and resists any evil that might otherwise possess the remains as a spectre, wraith or ghost.
If the ritual is performed over an undead body attempting to emerge from the ground, it will hold the creature in place for 1-4 rounds. Similarly, if performed upon a regenerating creature reduced to below zero hit points, the ritual ends its regeneration, effectively killing the creature.
See also,
Cleric Sage Abilities
Theology & Customs (sage field)