Mage 4th Level Spells

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The spells below are presented in a uniform format, comprising key details that outline each spell's limitations. These particulars include the spell's range, specifying the maximum distance it can affect; its duration, indicating how long the spell's effects persist; the area of effect, defining the dimensions of its influence post-casting; the casting time, which tells you how quickly the spell can be prepared and unleashed, or "discharged"; any potential saving throws, which denote whether targets can resist the spell's effects and the consequences thereof; and a brief description summarising the spell's magical attributes.

Should you seek more comprehensive information about a particular spell, you can find it by following the provided links. An asterisk (*) serves as a sign that a full explanation of the spell's intricacies necessitates more space than currently available.

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
charm monster
confusion 60 ft. 2 rounds, +1/level 60 ft. circle 2 rounds negates causes irrational fury among creatures
dimension door self instantaneous self* 2 rounds none enables the caster to instantly transport themselves from one location to another
enchanted weapon
Evard's black tentacles
extension I touch 5 rounds/level 1 weapon/4 levels 2 rounds none imbues an ordinary weapon with magical properties, conferring a +1 to hit and damage.
fear self 1 +1 round/level 30° arc, 60 ft. path 2 rounds negates causes creatures to flee in panic
fire charm
fire shield
fire trap touch until discharged* 1 object 1 round ½ damage traps closed objects
hallucinatory terrain 40 ft./level 25 rounds/level 60 ft. cube/level 2 rounds none* reinvents surroundings as an illusion
ice storm
Leomund's secure shelter
magic mirror
massmorph touch 4 rounds, +1/level 1 creature 2 rounds none* produces an illusion of trees and rocks
minor globe of invulnerability
monster summonining II
Otiluke's resilient sphere
plant growth 160 ft. permanent 1 ft. growth/level 2 rounds none causes plants to grow in a small area
polymorph other 5 ft./level permanent 1 creature 2 rounds negates alters the form, abilities and mentality of the recipient through shape change
polymorph self self 5 rounds/level self 2 rounds none grants the ability assume the form of any creature within size limits
Rary's mnemonic enhancer
remove curse touch permanent special 1 round none* removes the effects of curse
reveal illusion
ultravision touch 1 hour/level 1 creature/level 1 round none bestows superior vision at night
wall of fire 80 ft. 1 round/level* 10 ft./level 3 rounds none creates a physical 15 ft. high wall of magical fire
wall of ice
wizard eye

See also,
Magical Cantrip Tables
Magical Spell Acquisition
Magical Spell Tables