Fear (spell)
Fear is a spell that instills overwhelming terror in creatures within its area of effect, compelling them to make a saving throw against magic. Those who fail are seized by panic, fleeing directly away from the caster at maximum stride, avoiding all dangers in their path to the best of their ability. This flight is mindless and uncontrollable, preventing affected creatures from taking any other actions, including spellcasting or attacking, for the spell's duration.
Range | self |
Duration | 1 +1 round per level |
Area of Effect | 30° arc, 60 ft. path |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Saving Throw | negates |
Level | illusionist (3rd), mage (4th) |
If a fleeing creature reaches an impassable obstacle or a dead-end, it cowers in terror until the spell ends or it finds an escape route. Multiple trapped creatures in flight often cluster together, trembling in fear for the spell's duration. If attacked while cornered, they typically attempt to surrender rather than fight. However, if forced into combat, they suffer a -3 penalty to hit while continuing to plead for mercy until the spell ends. Once the effect wears off, the -3 penalty persists until a successful morale check is made.
If the creature is calmed or otherwise halted, it regains awareness of its surroundings and recognize that it was under the influence of the spell. However, before it can rejoin combat, it must succeed on a morale check. This check may be attempted each round until successful, with failure causing hesitation, trembling or continued avoidance of confrontation.
Those under the spell cannot differentiate friend from foe, so that they flee from allies as readily as they do enemies. The spell has no effect on creatures immune to magical fear, such as paladins or beings with an exceptionally high Hit Die total, as determined by the Dungeon Master.
See also,
Illusionary Spell Tables
Magical Spell Tables