Combat Round

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Combat rounds are units of time, each representing 12 seconds. These 12 seconds account for all sides' movements and actions in a conflict, as combat operates as a "turn-based system."

The number of actions a combatant can perform within a 12-second round is determined by their action points (AP). These points can be allocated to specific efforts and movements as described in the linked rules. For instance, a combatant with 5 AP has more opportunities for action than one with 3 AP. Although multiple combatants may move and act at varying speeds, the turn-based system resolves actions by alternating which side has the advantage: one side acts during "our turn," while the other acts during "their turn."

This turn-based method is chosen for its playability, rather than as an attempt to replicate real-world combat dynamics. Even so, we can imagine the flurry of activity within a round: swinging weapons, dodging, parrying, running, casting spells, and more. When calculating the total elapsed time in combat, the number of rounds is multiplied by 12 seconds, with 5 rounds equaling one minute.

See also,
Movement in Combat