Deafness (spell)

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Deafness is an illusionary spell that causes the recipient to believe they have been struck completely deaf, rendering them unable to hear any sound. The effect is similar to the blindness spell in that it alters perception rather than physically affecting the target. The illusion persists as long as the caster remains aware of the target's exact location, even if they are concealed by an object, under a blanket or obscured by another creature. A successful saving throw negates the effect.

Range 60 ft.
Duration see text
Area of Effect 1 creature per 2 levels
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw negates
Level bard (2nd), illusionist (2nd)

However, if the affected creature is completely removed from the caster's line of sight — whether hidden by a large natural feature, placed beyond a door, teleported and so on — the deafness is dispelled and the creature regains hearing within two melee rounds, allowing for their emotional and mental transition. Only creatures that "hear" through vibration are unaffected by the spell.

While the spell makes a target more vulnerable to attack, the deafness is immediately noticeable, causing the affected creature to raise an alarm at once. The penalty for advancing undetected upon a deafened person is -6 hexes. Creatures affected are unbalanced by the sudden loss of hearing, suffering a -2 penalty to their armour class. The spell also disrupts the effects of martial spirit, either by interfering with a bard's ability to play well or by preventing others from hearing.

Additional Effects

Some creatures that rely greatly upon hearing to detect threats in darkness or beyond their line of sight lose a vital sense, making it easier to evade them. Some monsters use echolocation or sensitive hearing to track prey; whether this spell affects such creatures depends on whether their perception is based on sound waves or supernatural detection.

Since deafness is an illusion rather than a physical affliction, it cannot be cured by ordinary means. Healing spells that restore senses, such as cure blindness or similar magic, will have no effect because the affliction is not real. The victim is simply convinced they cannot hear, and only dispel magic or dispel illusion can break the effect.