Bard 2nd Level Spells

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The spells below are presented in a uniform format, comprising key details that outline each spell's limitations. These particulars include the spell's range, specifying the maximum distance it can affect; its duration, indicating how long the spell's effects persist; the area of effect, defining the dimensions of its influence post-casting; the casting time, which tells how quickly the spell can be prepared and unleashed, or "discharged"; any potential saving throws, which denote whether targets can resist the spell's effects and the consequences thereof; and a brief description summarizing the spell's magical attributes.

Should you seek more comprehensive information about a particular spell, it can be found by following the provided links. An asterisk (*) serves as a sign that a full explanation of the spell's intricacies necessitates more space than currently available.

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
accompaniment 20 ft. 4 min. +1 min./level* 60 ft.; 1 creature 1 round none enables martial spirit and fighting ability
charm person & mammal 30 ft. 5 rounds +3/level 1 creature 1 round negates brings creature under the caster's sway
deafness 60 ft. special* 1 creature/2 levels 1 round negates causes creatures to be made deaf
enthrall self special* 30 ft. radius sphere 1 round negates compels creatures to listen
forget 30 ft. permanent* 30 ft. diameter circle* 1 round negates wipes the memory of those affected
forte self 1 round 120° arc, 50 ft. path 1 round none produces a shock wave that sweeps outward
grazioso touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none increase the natural dexterity of the recipient
hold person 60 ft. 4 +1 round/level 3 creatures 1 round negates immobilizes creatures
magic mouth 5 ft./level until discharged* 1 object 1 round none creates a message-giving mouth
pyrotechnics 60 ft. 1 round/level up to 40 ft. from source* 2 rounds negates* transforms an existing fire source
remove curse touch permanent special 1 round none* removes the effects of curse
rope trick touch 10 rounds/level 5 ft. rope/level* 1 round none enchants a rope to rise and fix itself
serenade 60 ft. 10 rounds* 1 creature 10 rounds negates entices the desired recipient to love the caster

See also,
Bard (class)
Bardic Spell Acquisition
Bardic Spell Tables