Bardic Spell Tables

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Includes a complete list of all bardic spells to date. (*) special; see spell for further details

1st Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
Alarm 10 ft. until tripped 20 ft. diam./level 1 round none creates a magic alarm as a warning
Animal friendship 10 ft. 10 rounds/level 1 animal 1 round negates compels an animal to obey
Animal trance 25 +5 ft./level 3 rounds/level 3 hit dice/level 1 round negates enthralls animals through music
Audible glamer 60 +10 ft./level 10 rounds/level equals spell range 1 round none creates the sound of multiple creatures
Change self self 10-60 +5 rounds/level self 1 round none transforms the caster's appearance
Command 60 ft. 2 rounds 1 creature 1 AP negates* compels a named action
Dancing lights 60 +10 ft./level 5 rounds/level 1 to 4 lights* 1 round none creates from one to four torch lights
Friends self 5 rounds/level 20 +10 ft./level radius 1 round negates increases charisma by 2-8 points
Invisibility to animals touch special* 1 creature 1 round none provides complete invisibility to animals
Mending 40 ft. permanent 1 object 1 round none repairs broken or damaged objects
Message 240 +40 ft./level 5 rounds/level receiver 1 round * enables the caster to send a message
Perceive sound 60 +5 ft./level 5 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none allows hearing of the faintest sounds
Remove fear touch permanent* 3 creatures 1 round none* restores courage and clarity
Tasha's hideous laughter 25 ft. 1 round/level 1 creature/level 1 round negates compels craetures to burst into laughter
Taunt self 1 attack* 1 creature/level* 1 round negates spurs enemies into attacking unwisely
Vanity 30 ft. 2 rounds/level 2 creatures/level 1 round negates gains the attention of other creatures
Ventriloquism 10 ft./level 4 +1 round/level 1 location 1 round none enables the voice to be thrown

2nd Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
accompaniment 20 ft. 4 min. +1 min./level* 60 ft.; 1 creature 1 round none enables martial spirit and fighting ability
charm person & mammal 30 ft. 5 rounds +3/level 1 creature 1 round negates brings creature under the caster's sway
deafness 60 ft. special* 1 creature/2 levels 1 round negates causes creatures to be made deaf
enthrall self special* 30 ft. radius sphere 1 round negates compels creatures to listen
forget 30 ft. permanent* 30 ft. diameter circle* 1 round negates wipes the memory of those affected
forte self 1 round 120° arc, 50 ft. path 1 round none produces a shock wave that sweeps outward
grazioso touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 1 round none increase the natural dexterity of the recipient
hold person 60 ft. 4 +1 round/level 3 creatures 1 round negates immobilizes creatures
magic mouth 5 ft./level until discharged* 1 object 1 round none creates a message-giving mouth
pyrotechnics 60 ft. 1 round/level up to 40 ft. from source* 2 rounds negates* transforms an existing fire source
remove curse touch permanent special 1 round none* removes the effects of curse
rope trick touch 10 rounds/level 5 ft. rope/level* 1 round none enchants a rope to rise and fix itself
serenade 60 ft. 10 rounds* 1 creature 10 rounds negates entices the desired recipient to love the caster

3rd Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
cure disease touch permanent 1 creature 2 rounds special cures or causes disease
dispel magic 60 ft. permanent 30 ft. cube 2 rounds none* eliminates magic
hold animal 80 ft. 2 rounds/level up to 4 creatures 2 rounds negates immobilises animals
hypnotic pattern 20 ft. special 40 ft. circle, 4 HD/level 1 round negates enraptures observers into passivity
illusionary script 5 ft./level permanent special 2 rounds none* enables the inscription of a message on any surface for a select reader
magical vestment touch 6 rounds/level 1 creature 2 rounds none creates magical armour
meld into stone self 8 +1 round/level special 1 AP none transforms the cleric into stone
remove paralysis touch permanent* 1 creature/level 2 rounds none* removes all forms of paralysis
speak with dead self special 1 creature 10 rounds none communicates with the dead
stone shape touch* permanent 3 +1 cub.ft./level 2 rounds none alters the shape of stone as desired

4th Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
animal summoning I 120 ft./level 10 rounds/level spell range 1 round none calls multiple natural animals to serve the caster
call woodland beings 120 +10 ft./level 10 rounds/level variable 2 rounds none summons faerie-folk or sylvan beings to serve as friends
charm monster
confusion 60 ft. 2 rounds, +1/level 60 ft. circle 2 rounds negates causes irrational fury among creatures
dispel exhaustion touch permanent 1 creature 2 rounds none* provides the equal of a full day's rest
enchanted weapon touch 5 rounds/level 1 weapon/4 levels 2 rounds none imbues an ordinary weapon with magical properties, conferring a +1 to hit and damage.
fire charm
magic mirror
suggestion 30 ft. 6 +6 rounds/level 1 creature 2 rounds negates* plants the desire to perform an action in the recipient's mind

5th Level

Spell Range Duration Area of Effect Casting Save Description
Conjure elemental
Contact other plane
Hold monster
Otto's irresistable dance
Quest 60 ft. special* 1 creature/level 30 rounds negates* compels an act of service
Raise dead 30 ft. permanent 1 creature 3 rounds none restores life to recently dead

See also,
Bardic Spell Acquisition