History (sage study)

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History is a sage study in the field of the Church, examining the past, offering an understanding of previous events, conflicts and the consequences that result from both human actions and chance events. The study primarily deals with real historical occurrences rather than elements of the supernatural.

A profound understanding of history unlocks the secrets of great civilizations, unraveling the tapestry of their rise and fall. It grants the power to communicate seamlessly with soldiers, instilling in them a renewed sense of purpose and unwavering morale in the face of adversity. It's a wellspring of knowledge that identifies the subtle nuances of weapons and armour, unveils the intricacies of religion and sheds light on the beliefs and rituals that shape cultures. In the hands of most players, the applications are sure to be indistinct, yet it matters that some players are familiar with the vast weight of events that have happened in the game world where the player characters exist.

Assigning Knowledge

Rachel's Knowledge
Period Geographical Spheres
African Asian European New World
Ancient 22
Middle Ages 15

Due to its vast scope, characters in the game must choose to specialize in particular historical "periods" and geographic "spheres" by assigning knowledge points to those specific subjects. This creates a collection of 12 categories overall, as shown on the adjacent chart. An example is shown for the character Rachel, who has assigned her 37 points of knowledge to ancient and medieval Asian history, as shown.

Since 10 points are needed to effect one's sage abilities, Rachel is only able to do when those specific time periods and geography are relevant. She knows next to nothing about history apart from Asia, and no more than most about the modern world — but should she wish to discuss military history in reference to Asian events, she's quite able to do so.

A brief overview of the periods and geographical spheres is as follows:


  • Ancient History encompasses the era from the invention of writing to roughly the mid-5th century AD, from the rise of civilisation to the collapse of notable civilizations such as Zimbabwe, Rome, the Gupta Empire and the Han Dynasty.
  • Medieval History follows Ancient History, spanning from the dark ages through the rise of widespread African empires, the middle kingdoms of China, the Mongol dominion, the ascent of the Aztecs and Incas and the spread of Islam and Christianity. It concludes around 1500 AD, marking the commencement of modern history.
  • Modern History encompasses the last 150 years and encompasses the rise of the Hapsburgs, the colonization of the New World and other regions, the emergence of Protestantism, the Moghuls, the Ming Dynasty's decline and the dominance of the Safavids and Ottomans. It also includes insights into the slave trade, religious conflicts, Moscovy's expansion and Europe's global ascendancy.

Geographical Spheres

  • African History offers insights into the entire African continent, disregarding contemporary borders or predominant cultures. It extends to regions like the Ottoman Empire's Sinai Peninsula, Madagascar, the Comoros and Mascarene Islands, Socotra, Ascension and St. Helena.
  • European History focuses specifically on events within Europe, with some awareness of Western influences on other spheres.
  • Asian History delves into Eastern culture, encompassing the Ottomans, the Indian Subcontinent, Turkestan, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, China and Japan.
  • New World examines occurrences across North and South America, ranging from the Aleutians and Alaska to Cape Horn, with limited coverage of Antarctica and minimal information concerning Oceania.

Sage Abilities

The sage abilities below are those acquired by a character through the study, according to status.

Amateur Status

  • History of Empire: encompasses a broad understanding of the rise and fall of significant civilizations, giving the why and wherefore of their rise, cultures, troubles and internal formulation. Gives familiarity with regards to understand where these places are and either what became of them, or what trajectory they're following today.
  • Military Study I: revolves around the art and science of warfare, offering some nuance of military organisation and strategies that have molded the victories and defeats of entities in that time period and part of the world.
  • Religious History: discusses the evolution of religious belief, practices and institutions, with an understanding of the strengths and vulnerabilities inherent in these movements. Provides some insight into the faiths themselves.

Authority Status

  • Biography: provides details and knowledge about the significant figures of history.
  • Grassroots Movement: gather a crowd in order to promote political change.
  • Greater History: provides detailed knowledge of most political entities throughout the world and throughout history.
  • Military Study II: provides aid in the organisation of elite troops able to function as powerful condottieries.

Expert Status

  • Conspiracy: identify and investigate conspiracies.
  • Cognitive History: predict events relating to great masses of people.
  • Observe History: with the proper equipment, allows direct observation of historical events visually.

Sage Status

  • Alternative History: provides a glimpse into what could have been, with a chance to experiment.
  • Limited Time Travel: a form of travel between planes of existence, where one may move into the past or the future.

See Cleric Sage Abilities