An abbey is a facility that consists of a collection of Christian Catholic monastic buildings assembled about a church, housing a establishment for persons devoted to a religious life. Within the game world, they exist as the principle training facility for members of the monk character class. Within Alexis's game world, monks of the west possess the same combat and defensive capabilities as monks from eastern cultures.
Abbeys are self-sufficient and isolated from the general world, often denying the entry of outsiders altogether. Arrangements varied to suit the particular discipline of the abbey, with peculiar plan arrangements and other architectural traits being distinguishable between orders. No distinction is made in the game world regarding abbeys occupied by males, females or both.
From the early days of Christianity, first in Egypt, groups of pious people gathered about the dwelling of persons renowned for their exalted holiness, who behaved as religious sectarians or prophets. They would build their dwellings in the same village, subjecting themselves to the sectarian's discipline of life. In time, these religious communities organised and dedicated their lives to the fulfillment of a worthy religious task, such as ministering to pilgrims who came their way — in turn becoming a place of pilgrimage or refuge themselves. The first European monastic order, the Benedictines, had a rapid growth in Italy as early as the 6th century, and by the 8th century their monasteries were established throughout western Europe.
By the opening of the 12th century, many abbeys possessed much wealth and wielded great power. They administered extensive landed states and erected elaborate convent-related churches that were, in time, matched by other abbatial structures. For long periods of time, the arts were largely in the hands of the monastic orders, and churchfolk emerged as art patrons, as well as leaders in religion and statecraft.
Architectural Development
While the monastic institutions were organising, during the 6th century in Italy, the architectural arrangement didn't immediately define itself. However, because of unsettled conditions of the Dark Ages, it was necessary that such institutions should contain within their walls all that was essential to the support of the chapter. The abbey thus appears as a fortified religious city including gardens, mills, stables, workshops and other adjuncts necessary to the domestic economy of the establishment.
Since these religious houses divided themselves between lay brothers and monks, architectural arrangements were so conceived as to provide such segregation. AS the monastic system developed, the abbeys became well-planned arrangements for monks' houses, infirmaries, refectories (dining halls), libraries, chapter houses and incidental structures, grouped about a cloister and carefully related to the church. The abbot or abbess lived in a separate house. All about were landed estates of the establishment.
The general architectural style of the earlier monasteries was the Romanesque, but as the Gothic evolved, the monastic institutions — like others — espoused the newer vogue. Since many of the conventual houses have been repeatedly rebuilt, scant remains of the older structures are found. A good many of the ruined abbeys exhibit Gothic traits; Fountains Abbey, abandoned in 1539, recalls the Romanesque style.