Control Temperature (spell)
Control Temperature raises or lowers the ambient temperature by one temperature grade, plus one per two levels above 6th. This means a change of two grades could be managed at 8th level, three grades at 10th level and so on. Within the area of effect, a 6th level druid could make cool weather pleasant or wintry weather cold within the area of effect, as wished.
Range | self |
Duration | 40 rounds +10 rounds per level |
Area of Effect | 10 ft. radius; see below |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | druid (4th) |
The temperature change will be experienced by every creature inside the area of effect, friend or foe. The boundary will be sharp and precise, not blurred.
During battle, the spell will suspend heating up effects; after battle, the spell will also ease the effects of rapid cooling that would otherwise result in hypothermia.
The temperature grade can be adjusted up and down within the caster's ability throughout the duration of the spell. It requires one round for the caster to make an adjustment, during which time nothing else can be done.