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Farmland is a facility of universal presence in any 6-mile hex that's inhabited, specifically of types-7 through -1. Most often, these farms are rectangular in form, with open or closed yards, surrounding or within walking distance of the house proper. This is true whether or not the farmer and family owns the land, or if, as in the case of estate farming, the designated farmland of a serf or peasant is laid out in lots side by side with those of other families. Farmland in such cases is overseen by a Hayward, who carries the authority of the local squire or noble, but normally farms are managed by individual families.


Type-7 produces 3 pts. from poor farmland (yield 3:1), symbolised by 2-bread. Hex includes 5 to 12 virgate and bovate farmsteads (18-42 people), each virgate producing 1,600 excess pounds per year. Each point of food represents a production of 6,800 lbs. (1518 calories/lb.). Bovate farms occur with 2-3 residents. Unless the hex has a settlement in it, residents will be free persons, or cotters, subject to tax farmers but not to a local noble or squire.

Families dwell in a 15 ft. square hovel, with latrine that's minimally sheltered, often without a roof, some 60 ft. distant. If the type-7 hex includes a hammer, families dwell in a 20 ft. square daub & wattle house.

Type-6 produces 3 pts. from middling farmland, symbolised by 2-bread.