Bestial Intelligence

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Bestial Intelligence.jpg

Bestial Intelligence describes the mental actions and processes of creatures whose brains are insufficient to be measured as an ability statistic between 3 and 18. Previously this included creatures of "animal intelligence" or which were "semi-intelligent" — terms that no longer apply. In replacement, there are five grades of bestial intelligence: sensory, instinctive, belligerent, familial and cooperative. These grades are progressive, with sensory having the least cognitive ability and cooperative having the most.

The objective is to provide a framework for player-creature interactions, stressing the creature's motivation, the emotions it might possess and it's strategy when confronted or provoked. In combat, these animals fight by impulses derived from their hormones or conditioning. Higher thought only appears to exist, even where it's possible for the creature to "communicate" with those of higher intelligence — but this appearance is considered a delusion on the witness's part.

For some, it may be useful to think of bestial grades of intelligence equalling "zero" to "4" intelligence. There are issues with this, as explained under the intelligence stat. However, for the sake of convenience, a number has been attached to each grade as a memory aid.

Sensory Intelligence (0 pts.)