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Preparatory Measures is an authority-status sage ability, in the study of Empowerment, that provides a careful, deliberate approach to situations both unfamiliar and dangerous. Using foresight, the character makes conscious decisions, taking proactive actions to assure against the unforseen, that safeguards both physical self and one's gear.

The ability's primary usefulness is in forestalling maladies that might occur, both for oneself and for others who are nearby. Equipment and supplies are not mistakenly left behind, necessary details are attended to and the individual is naturally cautious in situations where one false move may mean injury, maiming or death. The character is assumed to remember things that need doing, and to have done those things in a timely fashion, knowing what tools to bring along, what provisions to pack, and what additional gear may be needed. This allows the character to "retcon," or revise retrospectively, so that things that ought to have been bought at the last market WERE bought, so long as the "last market" was visited less than three days ago.