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Arliss returns to the Vilkko farm and puts in a little work to pay for his food that day, on account.  He and Bertrand agree that they should work together on the farm one more day, and have Conrad meet them on the 8th, which is a Friday.
Arliss returns to the Vilkko farm and puts in a little work to pay for his food that day, on account.  He and Bertrand agree that they should work together on the farm one more day, and have Conrad meet them on the 8th, which is a Friday.
'''May 7th.'''  As it drizzles rain all day, Arliss and Bertrand work outside, repairing and enlarging a stile fence.  The temperature plunges until it's frosty, the damp freezing as rime upon their tools and soaking their cold feet. They send Antti off to tell Conrad to meet them the next morning, no matter what the weather is like ...
'''May 7th.'''  As it drizzles rain all day, Arliss and Bertrand work outside, repairing and enlarging a stile fence.  The temperature plunges until it's frosty, the damp freezing as rime upon their tools and soaking their cold feet. They send Antti off to tell Conrad to meet them the next morning, no matter what the weather is like, making plans to return to find the remaining hobgoblins at Grimstone Hollow. After more discussion, they agree to trade two arrows, one of their small sacks (grain sack) and the smoking pipe for a woollen blanket, arguing that surely if there are any coins to be found, the hobgoblins must keep them in some kind of container.

Revision as of 20:20, 5 August 2024


Timberveil describes a group of borderland farms in the Self-play Tutorial series, in a taiga-based region.

In the early afternoon on May 5th, emerging from the Dratgash Hills#Rustling Wood of the Dratgash Hills, Arliss and Bertrand encounter the Vilkko family farm, calling out a greeting to any who might be there. There is a mother and four children, with a father and his brother working nearby. Bertrand's considerable charisma ensures the party is invited to dinner; the missing adults are fetched and greetings are made all around.

During dinner, the characters learn of the other 13 farms that have been founded along Timberveil stream and "upper Timberveil," which comprises the surrounding "neighbourhood" (6-mile hex). They learn of the village, Kurkijoki, which can be reached by the path that follows the stream. Bertrand confesses that the party is short on food (after their morning's breakfast, they have but 10 lb. between them) and, saying that he was raised by farmers, which he was, he offers to work in exchange for food. His suggestion is gratefully accepted; there's no roll, every farm needs more workers and food is easy enough to supply in good times. They agree to hire him at 4¾ lb. per day, and Arliss at 3 lb. a day, if he wishes.

Arliss suggests that he'll walk through Timberveil the next day, to learn about the neighbours; the eldest son, Antti, whose 13, offers to show him the way and the mother consents.

6th day of the campaign, May 6th. The party was quite lucky, as it rains this morning, though it's just a light sprinkling, and its done by mid-morning. By chance, they had a roof over their head, the Vilkko family barn. The temperature is cool.

Arliss is granted breakfast and sets out with Antti to learn if there are any young persons who might have the fortitude to accept employment as a porter and supportive combatant. Learning that the village is two days walk away — though Antti isn't exactly certain of this — at the second farm the pair visit, Arliss meets Conrad, aged 17, who wishes very much to quit Timberveil. He is the only son of his parents, who can look after themselves easily enough if he goes. Conrad assures Arliss, and this is accurate, that he's the only person in Timberveil who could conceivably serve in the capacity Arliss wishes for. He's hardened, has a 15 str, 11 int, 10 wis, 9 con, 9 dex and 9 chr, is -1 to hit with a spear (THAC0 21), no penalties with a club, has padded armour and a round shield of his own, a morale of 9 ... and has 8 hit points. Plus he can bring along 100 lb. of food, which is his, as an "enticement" to make his being hired more attractive. Arliss provisionally hires him, but does not know at this time if it will be to return to a place they know in the nearby wilderness (Grimstone) or to seek out the village he has heard of.

Arliss returns to the Vilkko farm and puts in a little work to pay for his food that day, on account. He and Bertrand agree that they should work together on the farm one more day, and have Conrad meet them on the 8th, which is a Friday.

May 7th. As it drizzles rain all day, Arliss and Bertrand work outside, repairing and enlarging a stile fence. The temperature plunges until it's frosty, the damp freezing as rime upon their tools and soaking their cold feet. They send Antti off to tell Conrad to meet them the next morning, no matter what the weather is like, making plans to return to find the remaining hobgoblins at Grimstone Hollow. After more discussion, they agree to trade two arrows, one of their small sacks (grain sack) and the smoking pipe for a woollen blanket, arguing that surely if there are any coins to be found, the hobgoblins must keep them in some kind of container.