Mistletoe I (sage ability)
Mistletoe I is an amateur-status sage ability in the study of Flowers & Sprigs, which allows the cultivation of mistletoe. This enables the character to grow vines that produce perfect berries with limited magical properties. The cultivation process is slow and requires dedicated care.
If the character begins the campaign with this ability, they may assume they have already established a mistletoe vine in their local area. This vine is fixed in place and cannot be relocated, but it will persist unless actively destroyed. Before it can produce a "perfect" berry, the vine must be tended for six weeks.
New mistletoe plants can be started in other locations using a sprig from an existing vine. However, a mistletoe plant found in the wild will never yield perfect berries, even if properly tended. Establishing a new plant requires two years of growth. Once matured, the plant will generate 2-8 perfect berries every six weeks. Maintenance requires two days of care per month, spaced no more than 20 days apart. If the plant is neglected beyond this limit, the growth cycle is extended by a full month or the current crop of perfect berries is lost.
The perfect berries have magical properties useful in enhancing shillelaghs and crafting wands. At the amateur level, consuming a berry within an hour before battle grants a +1 initiative bonus in the first engagement. This effect can be repeated throughout the day as long as additional berries are consumed before each combat encounter.