From The Authentic D&D Wiki
The list of creatures below comprise those monsters that are used in Alexis' Campaign, and include most of the monsters from the original Monster Manual. Some monsters from the Fiend Folio and the Deities & Demigods are also included, with additional works of my own creation. Where possible, I've expanded on the monster details and increased the clarity on how special attacks work.
This is ongoing work and will regularly be updated when time allows. I don't expect the list will ever be "complete," but I would like to greatly increase the content before the end of 2020.
† page not complete.
General Pages
- Aarakocra †
- African Elephant †
- Air Elemental †
- Air Maiden †
- Algoid †
- Alpaca
- Amphisbaena †
- Angel †
- Ankheg
- Apparition †
- Apep's Serpent †
- Aquatic Elf †
- Archangel †
- Asiatic Elephant †
- Astral Wolf †
- Auroch (wild cattle)
- Axe Beak
- Babbler
- Badger
- Balrog
- Baluchitherium
- Banshee
- Barbed Devil
- Barracuda
- Basilisk
- Bat (giant)
- Beaver
- Behemoth
- Beholder
- Bilgesnipe
- Black Ant (giant)
- Black Bear
- Black Pudding
- Blindheim
- Blink Dog
- Blood Hawk
- Blood Worm (giant)
- Bluebuck Antelope
- Boa Constrictor (giant)
- Boar (wild)
- Bombadier Beetle (giant)
- Bone Devil
- Bonesnapper
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Brobdingnagian Lizard
- Brown Bear
- Brownie
- Brown Mould
- Buffalo
- Bugbear
- Bulette
- Bull Ant (giant)
- Byakhee
- Camel (wild)
- Capricorn
- Carnivorous Ape
- Carpenter Ant (giant)
- Carrion Crawler
- Catoblepas
- Cattle (domestic)
- Cave Bear
- Cavewight
- Centaur
- Centipede (giant)
- Cheetah
- Chimera
- Clay Golem
- Cloud Giant
- Cobra
- Cockatrice
- Coffer Corpse
- Couatl
- Cougar
- Crab (giant)
- Crabfolk
- Crayfish (giant)
- Criosphinx
- Crocodile
- Crypt Thing
- Cyclops (greater)
- Cyclops (lesser)
- Dahak (mudfolk)
- Dark Creeper
- Death Dog
- Death Knight
- Deep One
- Devil Dog
- Dire Wolf
- Displacer Beast
- Djinni
- Dog (domestic)
- Dog (wild)
- Doombat
- Doppelganger
- Dragonfish
- Dragonis Aeriochalkos (brass dragon)
- Dragonis Anatoliko Kefali (gold dragon)
- Dragonis Apokrousi (bronze dragon)
- Dragonis Asimiskotia (silver dragon)
- Dragonis Fotia (red dragon)
- Dragonis Huakinthos (blue dragon)
- Dragonis Malignans (black dragon)
- Dragonis Oxychalkos (copper dragon)
- Dragonis Pachni (white dragon)
- Dragonis Prasinochlorio (green dragon)
- Dragonne
- Dragon Turtle
- Drow Elf
- Dryad
- Dune Stalker
- Dust Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Eagle (giant)
- Efreeti
- Electric Eel
- Elenoin
- Elk
- Emu
- Erinyes
- Ettercap
- Ettin
- Eye of the Deep
- Fire Beetle
- Firedrake
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Giant
- Firenewt
- Flame Creature
- Flesh Golem
- Flind
- Fossergrim
- Frog (giant)
- Frog (huge)
- Frog (large)
- Frog (large poisonous)
- Frogling
- Frost Giant
- Gar (giant)
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Gargoyle
- Gelatinous Cube
- Giant Strider
- Githyanki
- Githzerai
- Glabrezu
- Gnoll
- Goat
- Goblin
- Golden Jackal
- Gorgon
- Gorilla
- Grahluk
- Great Race
- Green Slime
- Grey Elf
- Grey Ooze
- Griffon
- Grimlock
- Guanaco
- Gynosphinx
- Harpy
- Haruchai
- Heat Elemental
- Hellcat
- Hellhound
- Hezrou
- Hieracosphinx
- Hill Giant
- Hippocampus
- Hippogriff
- Hippopotamus
- Hobgoblin
- Homunculus
- Horned Devil
- Hornet (giant)
- Horse (domestic)
- Horse (war)
- Horse (wild)
- Huecuva
- Hydra
- Hyena
- Hylochloerus
- Lacedon
- Lamassu
- Lamia
- Lamprey
- Larva
- Lemure
- Leopard
- Leprechaun
- Leucrotta
- Leviathan
- Lich
- Li Lung
- Lion
- Lion (spotted)
- Lion (vulture)
- Lizard (fire)
- Lizard (ice)
- Lizardfolk
- Llama
- Locathah
- Lung Wang
- Lynx
- Mammoth †
- Mandrill
- Manes
- Man-o-war †
- Manticore †
- Marilith
- Marut †
- Mastodon †
- Medusa †
- Megalania Lizard
- Merfolk
- Mezzodaemon
- Mi-go
- Mimic
- Mind Flayer
- Minotaur
- Mist Giant
- Mite
- Moa (giant)
- Moose
- Moray Eel (giant)
- Mordenkainen's Tortoise
- Morkoth
- Mountain Giant
- Mozabian
- Mule (domestic)
- Mummy
- Myyrrhn
- Naga
- Nalfeshnee
- Narwhal
- Newhon Ghoul
- Neo-otyugh
- Nereid
- Night Hag
- Nightmare
- Nihrain
- Nixie
- Norker
- Nycadaemon
- Nymph
- Ochre Jelly
- Octopus (giant)
- Ogre
- Ogre Mage
- Oliphant
- Orc
- Ostrich
- Otter (giant)
- Otyugh
- Owl (giant)
- Owlbear
- Paladin's Warhorse
- Pan Lung
- Pegasus
- Pernicon
- Peryton
- Phoenix
- Piercer
- Pike (giant)
- Pit Fiend
- Pixie
- Porcupine (giant)
- Primordial One
- Pseudo-dragon
- Rakshasa
- Ram (giant)
- Rat (giant)
- Ray (manta)
- Ray (sting)
- Remorhaz
- Revenant
- Rhea
- Rhinoceros
- Rhinoceros (woolly)
- Rhinoceros Beetle (giant)
- Roc
- Roper
- Rot Grub
- Rothe
- Rust Monster
- Sable Antelope
- Sahuagin
- Salamander
- Sandman
- Satyr
- Scarecrow
- Scorpion (giant)
- Sea Hag
- Sea Horse
- Sea Lion
- Seal (eared)
- Seal (elephant)
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Shark
- Shedu
- Shen Lung
- Shoggoth
- Shrieker
- Skeleton
- Skulk
- Skunk (giant)
- Slaad
- Slithering Tracker
- Slug (giant)
- Snake (fire)
- Snake (poisonous)
- Snake (sea)
- Snake (snow)
- Son of Kyuss
- Spectre
- Sphinx
- Spider (giant)
- Spider (giant water)
- Spider (huge)
- Spider (large)
- Spider (phase)
- Spider (salt)
- Sprite
- Squid (giant)
- Stag Beetle (giant)
- Stirge
- Stone Giant
- Stone Golem
- Storm Giant
- Strangleweed
- Stunjelly
- Styx Devil
- Subterranean Lizard
- Succubus
- Svirfneblin
- Swordfish
- Sylph
- Tabaxi
- Taureg
- Tentamort
- Thoqqua
- Thunder Bird
- Tick (giant)
- Tien Lung
- Tiger
- Tiger (sabre-toothed)
- Titan
- Titanothere
- Toad (fire)
- Toad (giant)
- Toad (giant poisonous)
- Toad (ice)
- Trapper
- Treant
- Treant (vampire)
- Triton
- Troglodyte
- Troll
- Troll (giant)
- Troll (ice)
- Troll (two-headed)
- Turtle (giant sea)
- Turtle (giant snapping)
- Walrus
- Warthog
- Wasp (giant)
- Water Beetle (giant)
- Water Cobra
- Water Elemental
- Water Weird
- Weasel (giant)
- Weed Eel
- Werebear
- Wereboar
- Wererat
- Weretiger
- Werewolf
- Whale
- Whipweed
- Wight
- Will-o-wisp
- Wind Walker
- Winter Wolf
- Witherstench
- Witherweed
- Wolf
- Wolverine
- Wood Elf
- Worg
- Worm (purple)
- Wraith
- Wyvern
See List of Ranges