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Species beast
No. Appearing 4–24
Behaviour community
Range woodland
Size 7½ ft. at shoulder
Weight 2,100 lbs.
Intelligence 10–12
Armour Class 5
Hit Dice 4
Action Points 6
Max. Stride 16
THAC0 18
Hp/Die 2d6
Attack Forms 3: two hooves; weapon
Damage hoof (1-8); variable
Special Attacks leveled classes, proficiencies

Centaurs are a humanoid-equine race that exist in small numbers throughout the Old World. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, though they are believed to have emerged from the wooded steppes of Central Asia roughly 5,000 years ago. Ancient legend claims that they are the descendants of Ixion, the demigod son of Ares, who was said to have mated with horses in Eastern Greece. However, similar myths exist in India, suggesting that the centaurs migrated outward, reaching both India and the Mediterranean basin by 2,000 BCE.


Today, centaurs are primarily found in sylvan woodlands, where they live a pastoral lifestyle, keeping to themselves and avoiding large gatherings. They are reclusive but not hostile, often moving from place to place rather than claiming fixed territories. While they do not construct permanent dwellings, they are exceptional crafters, skillfully fashioning tools, weapons and goods from natural materials within their surroundings.

In order to purchase metals — for mining is beyond their means — centaurs engage in trade, occasionally venturing into small villages to barter tanned leather goods, weapons and herbal medicines in exchange for metals, gemstones and especially distilled beverages (see Intoxication). Unlike humanoid societies, centaurs do not wear clothing, but they enjoy jewelry, which they fashion from bone, wood and precious metals.


Centaurs are formidable warriors, benefiting from naturally high ability stats and exceptional skill in bows, swords, quarterstaffs, clubs and slings. In melee combat, they strike with both their front hooves and a weapon, allowing them to attack three times per round. They are tactically intelligent, prioritising the most dangerous opponents and rarely remaining in direct hand-to-hand combat for more than a round or two. Their speed and agility allow them to retreat swiftly while archers provide covering fire, ensuring that at least half of any centaur force focuses on ranged attacks.

Centaurs receive a +2 bonus to hit with bows and +1 with clubs, the latter dealing 2–8 damage on a successful strike. One in a group will often possess a magical sword (+1 or +2), which they forge themselves and guard jealously, taking great care never to let one fall into another's possession. Their shields are carried on belts around their equine torso and are typically slung when engaging in archery. Centaurs have a natural armour class of 5, which improves to 4 when carrying a shield. They do not wear additional armour beyond this.

Centaurs often possess high strength and additional hit points from their constitution, while strong dexterity further enhances their defensive capabilities. Among their ranks, one in six will have training as a ranger, and one in thirteen as a druid.


Centaur herds are usually led by one of the ranger class, with perhaps more than one of these in a given herd. Leaders of 1st to 2nd level oversee combat maneuvers and direct archers in battle. Those with greater strength and skill (3rd to 5th level), called "stallions", act as strategic commanders when a herd requires leadership. Not every herd possesses a stallion.

Rarer still are "herdleaders", rangers of 6th to 9th level, who are revered as wise tacticians and protectors. A centaur can advance up to 12th level as a ranger, though those exceeding 9th level tend to separate from their herd, choosing instead to act as teachers or respected advisors.

Centaurs may also include those of the druid class in their number. These "wardens" act outside the main herd to safeguard the lands and forests they rely upon. Typically 1st or 2nd level, wardens focus on healing, protection and land stewardship, selecting supportive and non-aggressive spells. Druids of higher levels (3rd to 6th) earn the title of "foresters", possessing a more aggressive approach to protecting nature. They actively oppose those who harm the wilderness, often persuading their herd to migrate away from human encroachment. Despite their authority, foresters allow stallions or leaders to determine the specific direction of travel.


Centaurs are infamous for their reckless behaviour when consuming fermented beverages. When intoxicated, they become wild, aggressive and dangerously uninhibited, often engaging in acts of destruction, looting or forced revelry. While they rarely commit murder, they have been known to damage property, terrorise villages and humiliate locals in their drunken revelries.

This reputation for chaos makes villagers hesitant to trade with them, yet the high quality of centaur-crafted goods often proves too tempting to refuse. As a result, merchants will sometimes offer alcohol in remote locations, ensuring that their own settlements remain unscathed — though neighbouring villages may suffer as a result.

See Bestiary