Detect Magic (spell)

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Detect Magic is a spell that provides the caster with the ability to sense ongoing magical effects within the area of effect, though the information it reveals is limited. The caster can determine whether the magic originates from a bardic, clerical, druidical, magical, or illusionary source.

Detect Magic
Range self
Duration 10 rounds
Area of Effect 10 ft. wide, 40 ft. path
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (1st); druid (1st); mage (1st)

Additionally, the spell distinguishes between weak magic and strong magic, offering insight into the relative potency of the enchantment detected. This includes the detection of permeating magic, which saturates an area, and emanating magic, which originates from a specific location. When the latter occurs, the spell reveals the precise spot from which the magic radiates. If the location is not directly visible — such as being behind a door, wall, or other obstruction — the caster will still sense the direction of the magical source, though not its exact form.

Once the dweomer is cast, there is no need to concentrate on maintaining its effect. The caster is able to move, as described below, as the spell persists making it a practical tool for detecting latent enchantments, lingering magical effects or concealed sources of power within a given space.

Sweeping an Area

After casting, the spell allows the caster to expend 1 action point per round while walking slowly at a stride of 1. During this time, no other actions may be performed, as the caster must focus on perceiving magical energies. The caster may sweep the area, turning in a full circle to check for magical emanations in different directions.

More than one emanation can be detected within the area of effect. If multiple sources of magic are present, the spell will reveal the presence of all of them, though the caster must determine each source separately by sweeping their vision across the area. Each round, the caster may confirm just one type and direction of magic with certainty, but they will still sense the presence of additional emanations, even if their exact locations are not yet pinpointed.