Stone Golem

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Stone Golem
Species construct
No. Appearing 1
Behaviour servant
Range rural, subterranean, urban
Size 9 ft. 6 in. tall
Weight 1,869 lbs.
Intelligence 0
Armour Class 1
Hit Dice 7+4
Action Points 4
Max. Stride 7
THAC0 17
Hp/Die d12
Attack Forms 1: fist
Damage fist (4–32)
Special Attacks +2 weapon to hit, natural
, slow,
strength (21)

Stone golems are constructed animated beings formed from stone, most commonly granite. The intricate and demanding method of their creation is detailed under the sage study, golems. Like all golems, their creation serves a purpose tied to the agenda of their builder. Often, stone golems are constructed to act as protectors, serving as unyielding guardians of treasures, tombs or fortresses. They may also be used as powerful weapons for waging war, imposing sentinels to provide security or as tools of malice designed to unleash destruction upon the creator's enemies. Their incredible strength and near-invulnerability make them highly effective in fulfilling these roles.

Stone Golem.jpg


Stone golems constructed from materials other than granite, such as marble, limestone, or metal ores, will weigh less due to the lower density of these materials. Despite these differences, the general form and movement of the golem remain constant. The stone golem moves in a halting, mechanical manner, its motions appearing awkward and deliberate. This is partly offset by the creature's towering height, which lends it a commanding presence.

The golem's proportions are noticeably distorted. Its head is unusually small compared to its body, while its arms are disproportionately large, surpassing the length and size of its legs. This imbalance influences its gait, as the golem typically moves on all four limbs. When running, it adopts a peculiar loping gallop, digging into the ground with its oversized hands and swinging its legs forward between its arms in a slow but relentless stride.

In combat, the stone golem’s massive strength is focused through its oversized arms. However, due to its size and cumbersome movements, the creature can only deliver one strike with its hand per round. This limitation does not diminish the devastating impact of its blows, which are often enough to incapacitate or kill with a single hit.


Being constructed of solid stone, stone golems are naturally immune to cold, fire, lightning, and similar spell effects. While highly resistant, they are not entirely impervious; certain forms of acid can damage them. Lacking consciousness, they are immune to sleep, charm, and other mental or emotional manipulations. As they do not breathe, they are unaffected by gas or most breath weapons. Furthermore, their nature as stone constructs renders them impervious to petrification.

Stone golems can only be hit by +2 magical weapons or greater, making them particularly difficult to damage through conventional means. Magical attacks targeting them must include at least a +2 benefit to hit, such as spells like shillelagh or higher-level applications of Melf's arrow. Spells like magic missile are wholly ineffective against them. These combined immunities, along with their physical resilience, make stone golems formidable adversaries that demand careful strategy to confront.

However, these creatures are vulnerable to disintegration, which can destroy them outright if successfully cast. Spells such as stone to flesh, rock to mud, or stone shape will not transform or reshape the stone golem despite their descriptions but can cause 1d6 damage per level of the caster when directed at the creature.

Creatures that come within 20 ft. of the stone golem are subject to a slowing effect, equivalent to the 3rd-level mage spell of the same name. This passive ability makes it difficult for foes to evade or manoeuvre effectively in the golem's presence.

While the stone golem possesses an extraordinary 21 strength, this does not grant bonuses to hit or damage in combat. The notable strength applies to its ability to exert massive physical force, such as lifting or pushing heavy objects, smashing through barriers, or causing structural damage. This immense power enhances its utility as a guardian or siege weapon.


Stone golems are entirely devoid of intelligence and require direct orders from their creator to act. These orders must be issued within 60 ft. of the golem, with the creator needing to shout if the golem is more than 30 ft. away. Commands must be simple and specific, as the golem can only understand and respond to a limited range of instructions.

The primary commands a golem can obey are as follows:

  • Attack: The golem will focus on a target or targets as determined by the creator's intent, attacking until instructed otherwise.
  • Stop: The golem ceases all actions immediately and remains motionless until further commands are given.
  • Protect: The golem establishes a 30 ft. diameter circle at a location chosen by the creator and prevents any creature other than the creator from entering. It will attack or eject intruders as necessary.
  • Rampage: The golem aggressively attacks multiple targets within its reach until told to stop, indiscriminately following its destructive purpose.
  • Go there: The golem moves to a specified location. Once it arrives, or if commanded to stop, it will wait motionless until given a new order.

Stone golems are not capable of independent thought or improvisation; they follow their orders precisely, no matter how circumstances may change. This lack of adaptability, while limiting their versatility, ensures they remain unwaveringly loyal and predictable in their behaviour.

See Bestiary