Erase (spell)

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Erase (spell).jpg

Erase enables the caster to remove images, lettering or symbols from a surface so as to wipe it clean of written, inscribed, engraved or carved messages. Pages can be made blank while indented stone or wood can be rendered whole and ordinary.

Range 30 ft.
Duration permanent
Area of Effect 1 sq.ft. per level
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none; see text
Level mage (1st)

The text of a spellbook or a scroll can be obliterated, so as to make the work useless. While a scroll is a magical item, the written words upon a scroll are not "magic" in and of themselves; a scroll works exactly like a spellbook, except that the spell of the scroll can be cast by reading the words from the parchment. Given the potential of the spell to destroy knowledge, it can be grievous if used indescriminately.

If the spell is used to remove magically-charged writing, such as glyphs, runes, wizard marks or sigils, the writing is marginally protected against erase. It therefore possesses a saving throw vs. magic equal to the inscriber of the symbol.