Push (spell)

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Push (spell).jpg

Push causes an invisible force to lift and hurl back whatever objects or creatures the caster desires, within the area of effect. The force of the push is not great; it's enough to push enemies back ten feet, through a 180° arc from the caster — up to the weight limit specified. The direction of the push is always away from the caster.

Range 20 ft. + 10 per level
Duration 1 round
Area of Effect 200 lbs. per level; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none; see text
Level mage (1st)

The caster may decide which creatures are affected up to the spell's limit. The push is abrupt, however, so that when creatures are hurled back, they each suffer 1-6 damage. If this causes any of the creatures to be stunned, they will fall over and take an additional 1-3 points.

There is a potential for an enemy to be thrown off a ledge or into some other form of hazard; in such cases, the creature is entitled to a saving throw against magic; otherwise, no saving throw is required.

Smaller, lighter creatures aren't affected more or less than large creatures; for example, a 50 lb. kobald could not be hurled back a distance of 40 ft. However, the spell can be discharged so that objects or creatures are pushed gently, without harming them.