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Species chthonic (demon)
No. Appearing 1–6
Behaviour malevolent
Range Abyss, subterranean
Size 9 ft. 6 in. tall
Weight 900 lbs.
Intelligence 11
Armour Class -4
Hit Dice 10
Action Points 6
Max. Stride 9
THAC0 15
Hp/Die d4+d6
Attack Forms claw/claw, pincer/pincer & bite
Damage 1–4/1–4, 2–12/2–12 & 3–18
Special Attacks cause fear, darkness, gate, levitate, magic resistance, magic to hit, natural immunities, polymorph self, possession, pyrotechnics, telekinesis, teleport, ultravision

The glabrezu is a powerful demon often found within the lower planes, known for its cunning and manipulative nature, as well as its imposing physical form. Large and grotesque, their bodies are a blend of monstrous features. With four arms, each ending in sharp claws, their legs are often described as those of a giant crab or lobster. The demon has a tough, chitinous skin ranging in colour from deep red to brown.


See Bestiary