Gaze Reflection (spell)

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Gaze Reflection (spell).jpg

Gaze reflection is a spell that provides a defense against creatures able to paralyse or petrify with their gaze, like medusae, basilisks or catoblepas. Normally, making eye contact with these creatures necessitates a saving throw. However, the gaze protection spell can be invoked swiftly, ensuring automatic protection for the caster, provided he or she isn't caught off guard.

Gaze Reflection
Range self
Duration 10 rounds per level
Area of Effect 1 creature per level
per round
Casting Time 1 action point
Saving Throw none
Level illusionist (1st)

The spell does not "reflect" the spell into the eyes of the gazing creature, or cause harm in any way; it merely reflects the effects of the gaze away from the individual, so the caster can engage in combat without fear. Once protected, the caster can bestow this protection on others, though it takes a full round of concentration to infuse the dweomer into a recipient. Up to one creature besides the caster can protected.

The spell provides equal protection against spells designed to charm or attack the character's vision, such as colour spray, prismatic spray or hypnotic pattern. It enables the character to "see" when immersed in magical darkness.