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Paralysation is an an attack form and effect in which the body becomes partly or wholly incapable of movement. The condition affects only the muscles, leaving the victim's internal organs and breathing functions intact, although breathing may become extremely shallow. If a character becomes paralysed in an environment where movement is essential for survival — such as underwater, where reaching the surface to breathe is necessary, or in a situation where the victim is forced to inhale harmful gas — death occurs automatically after sufficient time has passed. When subjected to paralysation, the victim must make a saving throw using the paralysation column.

Paralysation can vary in duration, lasting for a few combat rounds, several hours, days or even indefinitely in some cases.

Once the paralysis ends, the affected character requires a full round to regain their senses and orientation before taking any action. During this recovery period, the character's armour class returns to its normal state. Additionally, if the character was paralysed for five or more combat rounds, they will suffer a -2 penalty to hit for 1-3 rounds after regaining movement.


Magical paralysing attacks include chromatic orb, hold animal, hold person, glyph of warding, holy word and wyvern watch.

Magical items include the wand of paralysation, the rod of lordly might and the staff of power.

Some poisons can produce paralysis. Both awe and fear can sometime produce paralysation-like effects.

Creatures able to Paralyse

Monsters known to cause paralysis include:

Paralysation can be alleviated through the use of the spell remove paralysis, which instantly restores movement and function to the affected individual. Permanent paralysis is exceptionally rare and is typically the consequence of a debilitating disease, rather than magical or combat-related causes.

See also,
Natural Abilities
The Adventure