Wounds occur when a combatant suffers a single hit of 11 or more damage. This results in bleeding, causing the loss of hit points each round until the wound is treated. The nature of the weapon used, whether edged or blunt, does not affect the outcome. Only the force of the blow determines whether the wound occurs.
Multiple smaller hits cannot combine to create a wound. The damage must come from a single attack that is sufficiently powerful. For every multiple of 11 damage dealt in a single strike, the wound bleeds an additional hit point per round. A hit causing 11 to 21 damage results in a wound that bleeds 1 hit point per round. If the hit deals 22 to 32 damage, the wound bleeds 2 hp per round. A hit of 33 to 43 damage bleeds 3 hp per round — this pattern continues with increasing severity.
A combatant may suffer multiple wounds from separate attacks. If struck twice, once for 11 damage and again for 21 damage, the victim would suffer two separate wounds and bleed 2 hp per round as a result. However, the location of the wound is not tracked, as it does not impact gameplay. Bleeding damage contributes to stun lock just as does any other damage; the wound also denies the possibility of concentrating sufficiently to cast a spell.
Closing Wounds
A wound may be closed by magical healing, alchemical remedies or physical treatment. The cantrip close wound immediately stops a single wound. Eating a goodberry will seal one wound, though multiple wounds require multiple berries. Pouring a healing salve into a wound is another means of stopping the bleeding. Spells such as cure light wounds, cure serious wounds, cure critical wounds, heal and aid will close all wounds a creature has sustained. A paladin's lay on hands also heals all wounds instantly. Bleeding can also be stopped through binding the wound with bandages, though this only halts the bleeding and does not restore lost hit points.
Certain creatures are immune to wounds, either due to their anatomy, supernatural nature or regenerative abilities. Amorphous beings, such as jellies, oozes and slimes, lack defined structures and cannot be wounded. Otherworldly creatures, including demons, devils and undead, are also unaffected, as are other entities originating from the Outer Planes. Creatures that can turn ethereal or assume gaseous form are immune as well.
Constructs, such as golems and other beings composed of materials other than living flesh, are unaffected by wounding. Likewise, creatures with natural regeneration cannot suffer wounds, as their bodies repair damage before it can cause lasting harm. These immunities extend to player characters who have acquired such traits through magic or supernatural means.
See also,
Attacking in Combat