Cure Serious Wounds (spell)
Cure Serious Wounds is a spell that enables the caster to restore 20 to 48 lost hit points of healing (4d8+16) to the recipient, provided he or she has suffered damage. The healing granted by this spell may be divided among multiple recipients at the caster's discretion.
Range | touch |
Duration | permanent |
Area of Effect | 16 +4d8 hit points |
Casting Time | 2 rounds |
Saving Throw | none |
Level | cleric (4th); druid (4th) |
This spell functions upon any corporeal, living creature, whether humanoid or otherwise, provided it is not protected by magical resistance or some other unique immunity to healing magic. Constructs, the undead and non-living beings receive no benefit from the spell and are unaffected by its power. Creatures that can only be struck by magic are affected, but not if they require a +2 or greater weapon to hit.
Creatures that can be struck only by iron or silver are not affected, as they exist outside the bounds of conventional healing magic. The spell has no secondary effects beyond restoring lost hit points — it cannot regenerate lost limbs, cure diseases, neutralise poisons or remove curses.
The reverse of the spell, Cause serious wounds, requires a successful touch attack against an unwilling victim. To land the touch, the caster must roll to hit, ignoring the enemy's armour and successfully achieving armour class 10 on the die — whereupon the amount described above is applied as damage. Unlike the standard spell, Cause Serious Wounds cannot be divided among multiple targets. The damage must be applied to a single target upon a successful strike.
If the target possesses inherent magical effects that trigger upon physical contact — such as paralyzing skin, venomous blood, or retaliatory curses—the caster receives no protection from these effects when delivering the touch attack. Striking an opponent with this spell is as dangerous as making physical contact by any other means.
See also,
Cure Critical Wounds (spell)
Cure Light Wounds (spell)