Stinking Cloud (spell)

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Stinking Cloud (spell).jpg

Stinking Cloud is a spell that releases a billow of noxious gas, expanding outward from the point where it is discharged. The cloud is greenish in hue and relatively thin, allowing line-of-sight to remain clear enough that attack dice are unaffected. Any breathing creature caught in the cloud, regardless of allegiance, must make a saving throw vs. poison upon entering the vapour.

Stinking Cloud
Range 30 ft.
Duration 1 round per level
Area of Effect 10 ft. high cloud, 40 ft. in
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw reduces; see text
Level mage (2nd)

Failure to save causes immediate choking and nausea, rendering the creature unable to attack. Each affected individual suffers 1-4 hit points of damage from retching and vomiting. Their armour class is reduced by 4 points due to their impaired state, though they are not considered helpless. The incapacitation lasts for 2-5 rounds, during which they can take no offensive actions.

Those who successfully save must prioritise escaping the cloud, seeking the shortest possible route that moves them away from both the vapour and any nearby enemies. Any creature still within the cloud when their incapacitation ends must likewise leave immediately. While inside the cloud, no creature can move faster than stride-1. Extremely tall creatures, whose heads rise more than two feet above the vapour, are unaffected and may move through the cloud without penalty.

Creatures with an intelligence of less than 5 will instinctively retreat 120 ft. away from the effect at stride-2 upon smelling the stench or witnessing the vapour. More intelligent beings may recognise the odour and investigate, though a mage will immediately identify the effect upon detection.

See also,
Cloudkill (spell)
Fog Cloud (spell)
Gust of Wind (spell)