Helpless Defender
Helpless defenders are those who, when attacked, are unable to defend themselves, whether due to being asleep, charmed, paralysed or otherwise rendered incapable of resistance. Many an assassin will use stealth to approach a sleeping victim, as this is often the most efficient way to eliminate a dangerous foe before a fight begins. Since these individuals are not considered combatants at the moment of attack, experience is not awarded for dealing damage to helpless defenders. The true measure of an opponent lies in the challenge they present, and striking down an incapacitated foe does not contribute to a character’s growth in skill or ability.
Causing Damage
When attacking a helpless defender, the attacker does not roll to hit. Instead, it is assumed the hit occurs, and that the damage done is 10-60% of the victim's maximum hit points above zero, each combat round. In the case of sleeping victims, the first hit will result in the victim awaking; but if the damage done is sufficient to stun on the first blow, there is little chance the victim will ever receive an opportunity to fight back, unless aided by an ally.
Assassins or thieves cause an addition bonus 10% per blow against helpless defenders, or 20-70% of the victim's hit points. Both assassins and thieves may attempt to assassinate or backstab the opponent; but if this fails, the damage that occurs is still a minimum of 20-70%.
- For example, Hiram, with a maximum of 20 hit points, has failed his save and is held in place by the spell hold person. Iolanthe comes upon him, raises her sword, and strikes. She rolls a 3 on a d6, dealing 30% of Hiram's hit points — a total of 6 damage. This is enough to stun Hiram, but it also breaks the spell, freeing him from his magical paralysis. As a result, Miriam, who attacks next, must now roll to hit, since Hiram is no longer considered helpless.
- However, if Hiram had been fully paralysed — rather than held by magic — the blow would not alter his condition. He would remain helpless, allowing Miriam to swing again in the next round, once more dealing 10-60% of his original maximum hit points, until either his condition changed or he was slain outright.
See also,
Attacking in Combat
The Adventure