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[[File:Spike Stones (spell).jpg|right|525px|thumb]]
[[File:Spike Stones (spell).jpg|right|525px|thumb]]
'''Spike Stones''' is a spell that transforms stony ground into a treacherous surface of razor-sharp stone spikes, making ordinary travel impossible and forcing creatures to either retreat or suffer severe injuries. The transformation appears indistinguishable from normal stone, offering no visual cues to the untrained eye.  
'''Spike Stones''' is a spell that reshapes natural or worked stone into long, razor-sharp spikes that blend seamlessly into their surroundings. The transformed terrain serves as both a hazard and a deterrent, impeding movement and inflicting damage upon those who unknowingly pass through it.
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| level = [[Cleric 5th Level Spells|cleric (5th)]]; [[Druid 5th Level Spells|druid (5th)]]
| level = [[Cleric 5th Level Spells|cleric (5th)]]; [[Druid 5th Level Spells|druid (5th)]]
The effect is detectable to clerics and druids of greater than 7th level and those possessing an authority status in the study of [[Setting Traps (sage study)|setting traps]]Dweomers such as [[Penetrate Disguise (spell)|penetrate disguise]], [[True Seeing (spell)|true seeing]] and other like forms of magical revelation can also expose the spell's presence.
Creatures moving into the affected area have a 1 in 4 chance, per observer, to notice the danger just before they enter any affected hexesOtherwise, the first step into the terrain triggers an immediate consequence, inflicting 2-8 [[Hit Points|points]] of [[Damage (hit points)|damage]].  Any additional movement, either forward or even out of the hex, produces the same damage again, even as victims try to extricate themselves.
Any creature walking onto the affected area immediately suffers 1-6 [[Damage (hit points)|damage]] upon first contact. They must then make a dexterity check — failure results in an additional 1-8 damage as they struggle to maintain balance or react too late to avoid the jagged terrain. At this point, creatures may choose to retreat safely without further injury, but those who remain or attempt to push forward must contend with continuous harm.
Running or charging creatures are assumed to have crossed two hexes before coming to a very painful stop, taking a total of 4-16 damage.  Should any damage from the spikes be suffered by animals, for example horses, they will panic wildly and continue to cause 2-8 damage to themselves every round unless physically pulled from the spikes — though it would be best if they were physically lifted from the spikes by [[Levitation (spell)|levitation]] (which would not result in more damage) or put to sleep until the effect was [[Dispel Magic (spell)|dispelled]] or the duration run out.
Mounted or running creatures fare even worse, as their momentum carries them deeper into the hazardous terrain. Such creatures take 2-12 damage upon entry, followed by an additional 1-8 damage, stopping only three hexes (15 feet) into the spike-covered ground. Affected mounts will panic, instinctively trying to retreat, suffering an additional 3-12 damage or possibly dying in the attempt. Riders will be thrown and must react quickly to avoid further harm.
== Traps ==
Creatures that fall into pits lined with spike stones suffer three instances of damage, each inflicting 2-8 points as they strike against the sharpened stone formations. For every 10 feet [[Falling|fallen]], the impact increases in severity, adding a +2 bonus to each damage roll (4-10) as the force of the fall drives the victim deeper into the spikes. This damage is in addition to standard falling damage, compounding the risk of such a trap.
For those who attempt to advance despite the spikes, movement is severely punished. Each hex (5 feet) crossed deals 1-6 damage, making forward progress both slow and dangerous. The spikes do not distinguish between friend and foe — the caster is not immune and must take care when positioning themselves before the spell is cast.  Creatures with intelligence may choose to remain stationary, avoiding damage by staying still until the spell is dispelled. However, any physical action taken within the area — such as drawing a weapon, using missile attacks or making defensive movements — will cause 2 [[Hit Points|points]] of damage per action, as the sharp spikes dig into exposed skin and unprotected limbs.
If the victim survives the fall, further movement — whether attempting to stand, crawl or climb out — continues to trigger 2-8 damage per movement attempt, just as it would for someone crossing the surface. If the pit is deep enough that climbing out is impossible without assistance, the victim continues suffering injuries every round as they attempt to shift position or struggle to free themselves.
This spell is particularly effective in trapping enemies, blocking strategic passageways or forcing retreats. While it does not directly [[Death|kill]] instantly, the potential for injury is high.  Any group caught unaware will suffer significant disruption and disarray, making them easy prey for ranged attackers or spellcasters waiting at a safe distance.
Spiked pits present an even greater hazard when disguised beneath false floors, debris or weak coverings. If the terrain above is structurally weakened, a group of creatures stepping onto the area may collapse into the hazard together, suffering cumulative injuries as bodies press down onto one another. Those unfortunate enough to land atop fallen companions may take reduced impact damage but risk impaling their allies further as they attempt to regain their footing.

Latest revision as of 20:56, 15 March 2025

Spike Stones (spell).jpg

Spike Stones is a spell that reshapes natural or worked stone into long, razor-sharp spikes that blend seamlessly into their surroundings. The transformed terrain serves as both a hazard and a deterrent, impeding movement and inflicting damage upon those who unknowingly pass through it.

Spike Stones
Range 60 ft.
Duration 30 rounds +5 rounds per level
Area of Effect 4 hexes per level (10 ft. square)
Casting Time 3 rounds
Saving Throw none
Level cleric (5th); druid (5th)


Creatures moving into the affected area have a 1 in 4 chance, per observer, to notice the danger just before they enter any affected hexes. Otherwise, the first step into the terrain triggers an immediate consequence, inflicting 2-8 points of damage. Any additional movement, either forward or even out of the hex, produces the same damage again, even as victims try to extricate themselves.

Running or charging creatures are assumed to have crossed two hexes before coming to a very painful stop, taking a total of 4-16 damage. Should any damage from the spikes be suffered by animals, for example horses, they will panic wildly and continue to cause 2-8 damage to themselves every round unless physically pulled from the spikes — though it would be best if they were physically lifted from the spikes by levitation (which would not result in more damage) or put to sleep until the effect was dispelled or the duration run out.


Creatures that fall into pits lined with spike stones suffer three instances of damage, each inflicting 2-8 points as they strike against the sharpened stone formations. For every 10 feet fallen, the impact increases in severity, adding a +2 bonus to each damage roll (4-10) as the force of the fall drives the victim deeper into the spikes. This damage is in addition to standard falling damage, compounding the risk of such a trap.

If the victim survives the fall, further movement — whether attempting to stand, crawl or climb out — continues to trigger 2-8 damage per movement attempt, just as it would for someone crossing the surface. If the pit is deep enough that climbing out is impossible without assistance, the victim continues suffering injuries every round as they attempt to shift position or struggle to free themselves.

Spiked pits present an even greater hazard when disguised beneath false floors, debris or weak coverings. If the terrain above is structurally weakened, a group of creatures stepping onto the area may collapse into the hazard together, suffering cumulative injuries as bodies press down onto one another. Those unfortunate enough to land atop fallen companions may take reduced impact damage but risk impaling their allies further as they attempt to regain their footing.

See Spike Growth (spell)