Ability Stats

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Ability stats, also ability scores, abilities or attributes or simply stats, serve as fundamental measures of a character’s inherent strengths and limitations. These numerical values define a character’s raw potential, shaping how they interact with the world, approach challenges and influence their environment. They represent the foundation upon which a character's skills, proficiencies and actions are built, determining their capacity for physical exertion, mental acuity and resilience in the face of adversity. While these stats remain static in most cases, they can be influenced over time through training, experience, magical intervention or the effects of the world around them. Their values dictate the ease or difficulty of tasks, the effectiveness of actions and the fundamental balance of strengths and weaknesses that give each character their distinct capabilities.

In situations where ability scores are negatively affected, they can be restored once the character recovers. Similar to regaining lost hit points, characters that escape the effects of ability-draining conditions generally find their ability scores return to their original state. However, prolonged exposure to ability-reducing effects, aging or severe afflictions may cause permanent reductions, which can alter a character's long-term capabilities.

  • Strength: A measure of physical power, Strength determines a character's ability to lift, push, pull and break objects, as well as their effectiveness in melee combat. It influences feats of resilience and raw force, such as carrying heavy loads or delivering powerful strikes. High strength grants an advantage in physically demanding situations, while low Strength represents frailty or lack of muscular development.
  • Intelligence: Intelligence reflects a character's ability to analyse situations and think critically in solving complex problems. It governs logical reasoning and adaptability, affecting a character's capacity to learn new skills or decipher difficult concepts. A high intelligence enables strategic thinking and problem-solving, while a lower score suggests difficulty in grasping abstract ideas or making informed decisions.
  • Wisdom: Representing insight and perception, Wisdom determines a character's ability to understand the world and make sound judgments based on experience. It reflects a character's awareness, intuition and capacity to recognise patterns, often influencing social interactions and survival instincts. A wise character is observant and emotionally perceptive, while a lack of wisdom suggests poor judgment, impulsivity or an inability to learn from past experiences.
  • Constitution: This stat represents a character's overall health as it relates to fatigue, illness and injury. It affects how well a character withstands poisons and diseases. A high constitution grants well-being, while a lower score results in fragility, susceptibility to ailments and reduced ability to endure hardship.
  • Dexterity: Dexterity governs a character's agility, balance and precision, determining their ability to move quickly, evade attacks and perform fine motor tasks. It influences hand-eye coordination, reaction speed and finesse, playing a crucial role in ranged combat, stealth and acrobatics. A character with high dexterity is nimble and graceful, while one with low Dexterity is clumsy, slow to react or prone to misjudging physical movements.
  • Charisma: Charisma encompasses a character's ability to inspire, lead and influence others through confidence, charm and personal presence. It affects persuasion, deception and leadership skills, playing a crucial role in social interactions, negotiations and performances. A high charisma score reflects natural magnetism and social adeptness, while a low score may indicate awkwardness, poor communication skills or a lack of confidence.

Stat Range

Both creatures and characters possess these ability stats in some variation, ranging from 0 to 25. These values define their natural potential, with a score of 0 representing complete incapacity in that ability and 25 marking the pinnacle of mortal capability. Humanoid characters, such as humans, elves, dwarves and others, typically possess ability scores within a range of 3 to 18, their numbers determined by rolling three six-sided dice (3d6), producing a natural bell curve distribution of ability. Exceptional beings, whether supernatural entities, legendary creatures or those bolstered by extraordinary means, may exceed this limit. Conversely, only the weakest and most helpless of beings possess stats below 3, indicating extreme deficiency or an inability to function in that area.

Ability stats are not static and can fluctuate due to various influences. They may be drained or augmented by spells, magic items and situational modifiers, including a character's background, training or interactions with creatures that possess natural abilities. When an ability check is required or a determination of an ability's effectiveness is made, the character's current stat — after all modifiers and adjustments — always applies. Temporary reductions or enhancements affect immediate calculations, influencing outcomes until the stat is restored or further altered.

For example, Nebban, a mage whose strength is ordinarily 9, suffers a temporary reduction after encountering a troglodyte, whose noxious odour saps strength. This effect drains one point of Strength, lowering it to 8. Additionally, Nebban has sustained injuries, placing him at -2 hit points, which further reduces his total ability scores by 20%. With these cumulative effects, his Strength temporarily drops to 6.4 (9 minus 1, then reduced by 1.6). When Nebban is required to make a Strength check, he must roll against this adjusted value. If he rolls higher than a 6, he fails the check.


During character creation, players roll 4d6, discarding the lowest die result before summing the remaining three dice. This method improves the overall statistical average, ensuring a broader spread of numbers while allowing for greater potential in at least one or more abilities. These generated stats form the basis of a character's strengths and weaknesses, directly influencing their chances of survival. A player character benefits greatly from having exceptional ability totals, which are necessary to excel. As a rule, a character must have at least two notably strong abilities: one of at least 15 and another of at least 16. However, a single outstanding ability score of at least 17 is sufficient for those who wish to define their character by a singular trait. Since ability scores are subject to modification due to a character's age or race, it is possible to achieve a number exceeding 18, which is acceptable when such adjustments are applied.

Character Classes

Abilities are crucial in determining a character's eligibility for various character classes. Each class has specific prerequisites that must be met, requiring characters to possess the necessary minimum scores in certain ability stats to qualify. Without the appropriate ability scores, a character cannot select that class, as it represents a standard of competence and aptitude required for that profession. Some classes demand higher thresholds in their primary ability to reflect the discipline and skill necessary to perform effectively.

Ability Checks

When characters encounter situations that test their ability stats — whether requiring intelligence, wisdom, charisma or another ability — they may be called upon to make an ability check. This mechanic determines whether a character's natural capability is sufficient to overcome an obstacle, resist an effect or perform an action under pressure. The success or failure of these checks depends on the relevant ability score, with higher values granting better odds of success.

See also,
Player Characters
Primary Attributes