Bless (spell)

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Bless is a spell that fortifies combatants who share the caster's faith, enhancing their effectiveness in battle both physically and mentally. Those affected receive a +1 bonus on their to hit rolls with weapons, improving their chances of striking their foes. Additionally, the spell bolsters their spirit, granting a +1 bonus to morale, reinforcing their resolve against fear, doubt or the temptation to retreat. This divine favour subtly enhances coordination and confidence, ensuring that the faithful fight with greater precision and unwavering determination.

Range touch; reverse, 30 ft.
Duration 1 hour
Area of Effect up to 12 creatures
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none; reverse negates
Level cleric (1st)


Once the spell is cast and discharged, the caster is empowered to bestow the bless upon 1 to 12 creatures of the caster's religion — that is, persons who have been baptised or inaugurated into that faith. Each blessing requires one action point (AP), meaning that for more than a few recipients, more than one round will be needed to fully discharge the spell. However, so long as the caster does not pick up any object or touch anything other than the intended recipients, the power to bestow the bless will persist for up to ten rounds. Because of the spell's duration, it's commonly cast well before combat begins.

If a blessed creature acts against the caster's wishes or in a manner inconsistent with the caster's religion, the spell's effect on that person will immediately cease.


The reverse of the spell, Curse, may be cast only against heathens who do not practice the caster's religion. When used against an enemy, it has a range of six hexes (30 feet), allowing the caster to afflict foes from a short distance. The number affected is reduced to a limit of only four recipients; it still requires an expenditure of 1 AP per heathen.

Cursed creatures are entitled to a saving throw vs. magic, resisting the effect if successful. Those affected suffer a -1 penalty to to hit with weapons and a -1 penalty to morale, weakening their confidence and effectiveness in battle. The curse remains in effect for three rounds per caster level, gradually wearing away the resolve of its victims.