Run (spell)

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Run (spell).jpg

Run enables the recipient to move continuously at a stride-5 movement with the same energy they would use if moving at a steady walk. This allows them to cover twice the distance during the spell's duration than they could normally travel, without tiring themselves or needing rest. It doesn't matter how encumbered the recipient is, as this only affects the number of action points they have available.

Range touch
Duration 1 hour per level
Area of Effect 1 creature; see text
Casting Time 1 round
Saving Throw none
Level mage (1st)

Only one recipient may be affected at 1st level, but for every two levels above 1st, another recipient may be empowered. This means that two could be created at 3rd level, three at 5th level, four at 7th level and so on.

A running character can move slower as they wish, if need be, without dispelling the effect — though the time spent moving at a slower speed is still depleted from the recipient's total. If the recipient chooses to move faster than stride-5, they may do so; but the effects of moving at stride-6 to 8 are the same as they would be for a character not influenced by the spell.