Audition (sage ability)

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Enables the character to apply for a monthly or yearly stipend, or "mentorship," from a bardic college, conservatory or academy, as a means of supporting themselves while working at their art.  Success would also allow the character to become an attached member of the faculty, gaining opportunities to collaborate and polish their existing work.  Other members would be on hand, so that if the bard becomes "stuck" in a given project, a different perspective or voice can "unblock" the process and allow it to move forward.

Furthermore, a mentorship is the first step to becoming a professor at the college.  But a mentorship cannot be gained without entering the audition process.

To apply, the character chooses the college where they wish to audition, and is then scheduled a day and time within a 4-8 week period, when this audition can take place.  The character then presents their work, defends it, then makes both a wisdom and charisma check to see if they were accepted. If so, they are then given a mentorship.

If they establish permanent residence at or near the college, they are allowed a monthly stipend.  This will be equal to the bard's level squared, multiplied by 4, in g.p.  Otherwise, the person may accept a yearly stipend, which will equal the bard's level squared and multiplied by 40.

A person may be a member of only one college at a time. However, they may give notice that they are leaving a given college and moving elsewhere; they may then be allowed to apply elsewhere, with no regard given to their earlier success.  At such time, the person must then audition again.

Bards may apply to as many colleges as they wish, but they must do so one at a time. If not accepted at a particular college, the bard must wait a full year before attempting to audition at that particular college again.